Emperor Confidant Rank 7 to 9

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No one's POV

Currently, Yusuke, Nhazul and Akira are at a sushi restaurant along with Kawanabe.

Kawanbe: Come, I've ordered your portion as well. Please eat freely.

Nhazul: Oh, don't mind if I do.

Yusuke: Before that...there is something I would like to ask. Just who are you?

Kawanabe: Hm...An interesting question. My work involves gallery management, but my hobbies are diverse. The foundation is but one of those hobbies. Broadly speaking, we're responsible for scouting and nurturing talented youth involved in the art world. We offer free scholarships, medidate study abroad programs...we also connect young artists to customers. At a time, even Madarame participated in our organization.

Yusuke then looked at Kawanabe shocked.

Yusuke: Sensei...I-I mean, Madarame?

Kawanabe: Indeed. A good many benefited from his time working with us. We were aware of the dark rumors about him...but we could never have seen his confession coming. I suppose it's likely he was deceiving us that whole time...

Yusuke: Madarame....To think I once relied on his teachings, called him my mentor...! This is all because of him...It is his fault I can no longer view paintings with a pure heart....

Kawanabe: Hm...?

Yusuke: In the past, simply the desire to paint led me to seek beauty. But now, I find myself constantly weighed down by the search of awards or the praise of others...An ugly attachment has fastened itself upon my work...I can no longer paint how I used to....My Art is tainted...

Kawanabe: I see...However, it would be wasteful to let your talent dry up. Our foundation would gladly support you. Not only a former student of the infamous Madarame, but someone with those looks...There is definitely a market for you. We'll sell you as the "tragic" handsome artist.

Akira: I'm confused, what are you talking about?

Nhazul: Same.

Yusuke: I was wondering the same thing.

Kawanabe: Exactly what it sounds like. Having your ideas stolen by Madarame, losing a place to live, hungry for food...That unstable air about you makes for the perfect tragedy.

Yusuke: A story?

Kawanabe: If you don't have one in the modern climate, nobody will e be mention your name. Don't worry, we'll handle the details. But in return, you must sell your work through my gallery. We take a mediation fee, but you'll be granted steady revenue and a nice customer base as well.

Yusuke then stood up annoyed, looking at Kawanabe.

Yusuke: Don't mock me! Tragedy?! Looks?! Those have nothing to do with art! In the end, this is only about money! That which taints pure beauty...

Kawanabe; How immature...

Yusuke: Excuse me?!

Kawanabe: Do you believe your work could sell on its own merits? I thought you were prepared to make a living as an artist.

Yusuke: Shut your mouth!

Kawanabe: Without money, it's hard to eat. That's reality.

Kawanabe then stood up and started to leave.

Kawanabe: If you change your mind, contact me.

Kawanabe then left and Yusuke sat back down, clinching his fists.

Yusuke: Such vulgarity....!

Arcana Emperor Rank 7


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