Councillor Confidant Rank 3 and 4

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No one's POV

Currently, Nhzual is with Dr. Maruki in the nurse's office and Nhzual was on his third pudding cup.

Maruki: I've been getting a lot of students coming in ever since I arrived here. To be honest, it's been...kind of a relief.

Nhzual: That's good, right?

Maruki: The whole mess with Kamoshida was the reason why I was called here, after all...They warned me a lot of the students had been impacted. I knew there would be a lot of free floating anxiety. But when I talk to everyone, I was pleasantly surprised.

Nhzual: How so?

Maruki: Most of the things on everyone's minds were college entrance exams, relationship problems...In other words, typical worries for high school students.

Nhzual: Shocking...

Maruki: Some did open up about deeper issues, but not the majority. Some students were struggling with the scars from the incident, yes. But at the very least, I'm glad the ones who came to me have taken some steps towards recovery.

Nhzual: So they have, huh?

Nhzual says, now eating mini pretzels with cheese sauce.

Maruki: Well, that's not to say I've gotten a sense of every single student's emotional state. Either way, I hope my worries end up being groundless after all. I know I'm not the mor reliable guy, but remember you can always talk to me too if something's bothering you. Like, exams, relationship problems, maybe even the death of a loved one.

Nhzual immediately paused for second when Maruki said that, but then went back to eating.

Nhzual: Nope. Nothing of the sorts.

Maruki: Well, just remember I am a councilor. If nothing else, I am good at listening. Now, having said that, I have a little favor to ask you.

Nhzual: Shoot.

Maruki: You remember how I asked you to help me with my research?

Nhzual: That I do.

Maruki: I said you'd be helping with my research, but don't worry. It won't be anything too difficult or intensive. I just need you to listen to what I have to say, and work through some questions with me.

Nhzual: Okay, then.

Maruki: Maybe I should start from the beginning. I can tell you a little about what this research is for. What I'm studying now is pain felt in the mind. Or perhaps more fancifully, in the heart. Some specific examples include the pain of someone saying hurtful things to you, or being separated from those you love. Maybe this would be clearer pain defined by abstracts, like trauma or stress. Bodily, physical pain can be thought of as something necessary. An autonomic response to injury, illness, whatever. But what about pain felt within one's heart? That pain isn't born from and tangible problem in our bodies, right? It's something strange and immaterial. I guess it goes to show there are still a lot of mysterious in our own hearts and mind. And I...well, I want to learn more about these internal, psychological pains. Now, this is my question to you. When do you truly feel pain in your heart, Nhzual?

Nhzual's thoughts: Pain in my heart, huh...?

Nhzual: I don't think there's one true answer to that. I guess a few can be seeing people I care about being hurt, being betrayed, or losing someone really important to me...Being reunited with those who you can't see any more...

Maruki: All correct answers. Everyone you stated can turn into intense pain. It can be rough. It doesn't feel good to struggle with pain in your heart. But with that in mind...How about the pain of a broken heart, then? After all, that kind of pain is only born because we fall in love, right? Do you have any thoughts on this kind of pain, Nhzual?

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