"Hi, I'm Sadie"

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As I'm walking back to my room, I see this group of people that look like my age. One had fiery red hair with blue ocean eyes. Then there was a skinny looking boy with long black curly locks, another with short black hair and what looks like a little mustache. Then the last one had curly brown hair and braces, they looked interesting.

I continue walking to my room when I hear someone call my name. "Y/n!! Hey" the person says as I turn around to see who it was. It was Noah. "Oh hi" I reply and wave then continue walking again.


"I waved back to Y/n and saw she was already walking away. "Who's your little girlfriend?" I turn around and see Caleb, one of my best friends, smirking and wiggling his eyebrows. "Oh shut up, we met like 20 minutes ago, and besides, she hates me."
I say walking into my room and my friends follow.

"Soooooo do you like her?" The redhead asks looking at me. "Sadie, I...I mean yeah, she's cute but like I said she hates me." I sit on my bed while my friends look around. "You just gotta make a move" the boy with the braces said picking up a book off his table. "WHAT?! That's crazy, why would I so that?!" I reply while tossing a medicine bottom up in the air. "You did just say she is cute so...." the boy with the black curls moves his hair out of his face. "Ok why is everyone telling me this?!" I lift up my hands confused and throw my medicine bottle at Gaten.

"Ok but do you really like her Noah?" Sadie said looking at me from my window. "Well idk, I just met the girl!!" I lay back on my bed and cover my face with my pillow so they can't see me blushing a little. "We need to get them together..." Finn whispers in Gaten's ear. "Good idea" he whispers back. "Oooooh I could go introduce myself to her!!!!" Sadie said jumping up and down while grinning. "I- I guess just don't bother her too much" I say looking at Sadie. "Ok I won't, now I just gotta find her room..." she leaves and looks walks by rooms.

**Y/N'S POV**

I was just peacefully reading a book when I heard a slight knock on my door. I groan a little knowing I have to get my lazy ass up, but I go to my door and open it to see the same redhead from earlier in the doorway. "Hi, I'm Sadie" the girl said smiling. "Oh hi, I'm Y/n." I smile also and hold out my hand. She shakes my hand. "Would you like to come in?" I ask opening my door. "Sure, thank you" she says while walking into my room looking around.

"So you live her?" She asks still looking around my room. "Yeah, this is my home I guess..."
"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean t-" she says almost covering her mouth. "No no it's ok." I respond sitting on my bed. "Ok good, I didn't wanna make you feel bad that you live here." She nervous laughs and plays with her fingers. You hear a ding and you look over and see you got a text.

"Oh she's up, finally!" I say putting my phone back down. "Who's up?" Sadie asks. "Oh my best friend, Millie. She was sleeping before." "Oh do you think...I could meet her...?" She says while looking at me. "Sure, she would probably love you" I say while getting my medicine. I grab a pill and put it in my mouth with water following so I couldn't taste how disgusting it was. "So, you have to do all this stuff so you can get better?" Sadie says while looking at my IV, then my medicine rack and then at me. "Yeah, there's a lot more tho." I say while getting a wipe and wiping my G-Tube so it doesn't get infected. Sadie sees and starts to tear up a little seeing how I have to live this way. "Ok are you ready?" I say while putting my shirt down and throwing the wipe away. She quickly wipes her tears and smiles then says "Yup let's go." I open the door and let her walk out and I follow with my IV next to me.

𝙃𝙞𝙨 𝙏𝙤𝙪𝙘𝙝 //𝙉𝙤𝙖𝙝 𝙎𝙘𝙝𝙣𝙖𝙥𝙥 𝙭 𝙛𝙚𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙨 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧//Where stories live. Discover now