"Oh look at you, you are growing so much."

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Barbra comes I my room to check on me when she sees me with my AffloVest on. I cough and throw up in a cup and right back to coughing. "Good girl, great job Y/n." Barbra said while patting and rubbing my back. "Ok I'm done." I say between a few last coughs. I see her focus goes to my wall when she notices something I added.

"That is one of her best works" she says walking over to it to get a better look. "Yeah...it is" I respond and sit on my bed also looking at the drawing. Barb turns her body back towards me and grabs my pills for the night. "Here you go." She says handing them to me with a bottled water. "What would I do without you?" I say smiling. "You'd die" she reply's turning back to me and smiling. "Yeah right haha." I say laughing and taking my pills. "Might Barb!!!" I wave to her as she smiles and closes my door

I lay down and stare at the ceiling while thousands of thoughts swim around in my head. I grab my panda teddy bear from my chair and hug it tight, Sarah gave it to me the first time I got sick and I've had it ever since.

I slowly close my eyes and drift off to sleep knowing how the next day would be, considering my days all always the same. The next morning I woke up to a slight knock on my door. "Uhh come in" I run my eyes and look at my door to see a nurse, Julie standing in the door way. "Oh look at you, you are growing so much" I say as she walks in my room showing off her baby bump. "Yup 6 months goes by pretty fast." She says while grabbing a new feeding bag.

"So how's it been?" She asks while connecting my G-Tube to the feeding bag. "The same" I respond grabbing my reading glasses off my table. "Well that's alright." She looks closer at my G-Tube. "What?" I ask confused. "Nothing, it's just a little red. We'll keep an eye on it ok, tempered nothing to worry about." She smiles and takes the feeding bag off my G-Tube and throws it away.

"Thank you Julie." I say smiling and hugging her. "No problem, do you need anything else while I'm here?" "No I'm good but thank you." I reply and grab my to-do list off my table and open it. Julie leaves me alone as I make a list for today. I like making lists so I make sure everything is in order and nothing messes up. That might just be me, Millie thinks it weird. Yet again Millie's weird herself.

𝙃𝙞𝙨 𝙏𝙤𝙪𝙘𝙝 //𝙉𝙤𝙖𝙝 𝙎𝙘𝙝𝙣𝙖𝙥𝙥 𝙭 𝙛𝙚𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙨 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧//Where stories live. Discover now