Chapter 4

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After giving the tour for the Shitenhouji team, we rode a bus to head to Seishun Gakuen. During the  ride, I was listening to Ailee's Heaven.

I then texted Mitsu-nii to tell him that I'm on the way with the Shitenhouji team. I didn't get a reply, maybe he was busy giving orders. Well, just to let him know....

Once infornt of the main gate, we entered it.....

"You guys go ahead, I still need to get something" I told them

"Okay" Shiraishi-san replied. He then lead the team to the courts. While I went to the locker rooms to grab my Seigaku jacket, clipboard with all the stats of the members, whistle and stopwatch. I headed out and went to the main court , where the regulars are practicing.

"Go tell the sophomores to run 10 laps, while for the freshmen to pick up the tennis ball" Mitsu-nii told me once i stood beside him.

"Hai~" I turned around and went to the other court and tell them the order from the captain.

I finished this and that and went to the court where the practice of Shitenhouji and Seigaku are commencing. I then write my data about Shitenhouji.

Since I don't know what to do anymore, I then started listening to some K-pop.

"Neh, Ayumi-san" I removed one budn and looked up to Shiraishi-san

"H-hai?" I raised a brow

"Let's have a tennis match" he then raised his arm that he was holding his racket


[DISCONTINUE] Prince of Tennis: Go On (Shiraishi Kuranosuke x OC)Where stories live. Discover now