Chapter 10

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A/N: I am on a roll! Two updates in one day! So, here we go!

I didn't go with regulars to wherever they are heading. I went somewhere just clear my head. I then heard a rush footstep behind me. I then felt someone's arm around my shoulder and that person made me almost lose my balance.

"You didn't think of waiting for me?!" I turned my head to my right and saw Shiraishi-san with a pouty face.

"Sorry. My mind was busy thinking on what I'm going to do with those idiots"

"You mean Momoshiro and Kaidoh?" I nodded.

"Those two are like cats and dogs. I will never expect those two helping each other once the 3rd years are gone" I said

"If you want to clear your mind, let's buy some takoyaki?"

"Why not" Shiraishi-san then bought some takoyaki for us and since its one of our bet. But I kept on thinking, what will happen to those two idiot. We then met up with Fuji-senpai who kept on teasing the both of us

"Just don't say this to Mitsu-nii or he will flip" Fuji-senpai just chuckled. I am so doomed!

"That Momo... it's as though you think he's not suffering enough yet" Fuji-senpai commented when we saw Inui-senpai

"Honestly, I wanted to tell him that I'm entrusting things to him, but I was probably too subtle about it" Inui-san said. I then looked at Shiraishi-san who was in deep thought

"Well you should know him better than that" Shiraishi-san commented.

"That's true" Fuji-senpai said.

"Those two needs patience, mostly Kaidoh" I said and my two senpais just nodded. Fuji-senpai called Eiji-senpai about Momo. After they hung up, I then received a cal from Oishi-senpai


"Ayumi, Echizen's here!"


"Will meet up with everyone at the lodge. Call Tezuka" and he hung up

"What is it?" Inui-senpai asked

"Oishi-senpai told me that Echizen's here in Osaka" I answered while I was waiting for Mitsu-nii to answer

"Kin-chan will be happy to hear that then" Shiraishi-san commented

"Hello?!" I heard from the other line

"Mitsu-nii, head to the lodge. Echizen has arrived to Osaka" I told him

"Okay" and we both hang up. We said our farewell to Shiraishi-san and the three of us headed to the lodge. Once we got there, we saw Echizen on the lobby with Kintarou, Taka-senpai, Oishi-senpai and Eiji-senpai and we waited for the Mitsu-nii to arrive.

"Shorty, why are you here in Osaka?" Eiji-senpai asked and hugged Ryoma from behind

"I just wanted to eat some real takoyaki, that's all" Ryoma answered. Yeah, right...

"Echizen, you always so abrupt" Fuji-senpai commented to the struggling Ryoma

"But I'm glad you're here. If Echizen joins them, then both Momo and Kaidoh would regain their confidence" Oishi-senpai said

"Let's tell them right now" Taka-senpai added

"No. Don't tell them yet"

"I agree with Mitsu-nii on this one"

"Tezuka!" everyone exclaimed and looked at the both of us, shocked.

"They have yet to realize something important" Mitsu-nii said

[DISCONTINUE] Prince of Tennis: Go On (Shiraishi Kuranosuke x OC)Where stories live. Discover now