Chapter 1

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Shiraishi's POV

We've just arrived at Seishun Gakuen for a practice match. It was just the end of the Nationals and I'm getting pumped up! Well, except for one...

"Do we really have this match, senpai" Zaizen asked with a lazy tone. And he started yawning

"Of course. This was a great opportunity to-" I was cutted off by Kin-chan

"I can play Koshimae!!!" he then started running off to the courts. I sighed deeply and we just followed him.

I then heard a squeak of someone playing tennis. I then headed their. There was this girl, playing alone. She looks awfully familiar

"Oi Shiraishi, what are you doing?" I was startled. When I looked back, it was Watanabe-sensei with Ryugazaki-sensei.

"It-it's...just that....ummmm..... I WAS CURIOUS!!!! I blurted. Smooth Shiraishi, just smooth!

Ryugazaki-sensei looked at me oddly and looked at to where I was staring

"Are? What is Yumi-chan doing here?" Ryugazaki-sensei said. She walked pass me

"Oi, Yumi-chan" she called to her. I saw her caught the ball that she was using and stared at Ryugazaki-sensei

"What are you doing? I told him to let you stay at my office"

"He did! I just got bored once I finished reading all of your tennis magazines and the informations of your regulars" she explained. Damn! Her voice is so angelic! She looked at me and smiled.

"Well, we better go to the courts. It's already time" Ryugazaki-sensei commented

"Hai hai" the 2 sensei headed to the courts. Leaving me with her.

"I better should get going. Nii-san might scold me" she said and left. I was stunned..... feling my heartbeat go..... BOOM!

[DISCONTINUE] Prince of Tennis: Go On (Shiraishi Kuranosuke x OC)Where stories live. Discover now