Chapter Three // Sherri Valence

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That night I slept over at the Curtis household, but this time Darry was actually aware of it. That night was fairly uneventful. Me, Soda, Two-bit and Steve stayed up a little later watching Mickey Mouse. Steve and Two-bit had left, but I stayed the night. I woke up early again that morning, so I decided hey, why not shower and get ready for work? Bad idea.

One thing I had to learn the hard way was that no one knows how to knock here. I know, rookie mistake.

So I was in their shower getting cleaned up, which Soda told me was fine to do, before work when I heard a faint creaking sound. I assumed it was nothing, so I just went back to showering. Then I heard the slam of a door. Naturally, it scarred the bejesus out of me, so naturally, I scream "Oh god what the fuck was that?!" Then I hear a voice go "Audrey?". Fuck. I was no longer alone. I peaked behind the curtain only to see Soda, not giving a shit that someone was in the shower, shaving. Our conversation went a little something like this:

"Soda, what the fuck are you doing?!"


"Don't you know how to knock?"

"Knocking isn't really common here."

"I'm sorry, what?!"

"I dunno, people don't really knock in this house."

"So basically I'm learning this the hard way."


"Eh, as long as you're not being creepy, I don't really care."

"Good, that's the right attitude."



"Could you pass me a brush?"

"Yeah sure."

The weird part is that that situation seemed to strengthen our friendship.


I got home from work and since I didn't have anything better to do I walked down to the Curtis household. I was getting used to the lack of knocking, so I just went on inside. Only Ponyboy was home, and he was sitting on the couch, not doing much. I went over to sit with him

"Hey, Ponyboy, what're you up to?"

He turned red in the face and mumbled "not much". He was watching a movie. I'm not sure which one it was, but I did notice that Diane Lane was in it.

Without thinking, I said, "Man, I would totally kiss her if I could."

Pony looked at me and asked, "You mean him?"

"No, I'm talking about Diane lane. I mean, if we were at a party, and we were both really drunk, I would totally kiss her. Don't tell me you wouldn't do the same."

Ponyboy was caught off guard. When I realized what I had said, I was caught a little off guard as well.

"I mean, yeah, I guess I'd kiss her too."

Just as things were getting a little awkward, Dally barged in with this girl. They were making out. A lot.

"Jeez, get a room!" I called from the couch in a joking manner.

The two of them stopped. I guess they didn't realize anyone was home because you can normally hear all the noise from the inside, outside. They pulled apart from each other and looked our way. The girl was shorter than Dally, with curly red hair that went down to her rib cage. Her face was covered in freckles. She was pale, but her embarrassment made her face turn bright red. She was pretty, no doubt about it. She turned to face Dally, and their conversation went a little something like this:

"Dally! You said this place was going to be empty!"

"I'm sorry babe, I promise it won't happen again-"

"I'm sorry! It won't happen again! That's all I ever hear from you! Do you know how long I had to walk to get here without Bob knowing?"

"I know baby, please-"

"No! If you cannot provide the "benefit", then we aren't friends with benefits!"

Ponyboy got up and left when she said that. I'm not sure where he went. All I know is that he got up and walked past me, past Dally, past Dally's girl, and walked out the door.

"Now look what you've done!" growled Dally "He lives here!"

"I don't care! We're done, Dallas Winston! No more friends, no more benefits!"

"Good! I don't want you anyways! I'm leaving!"

He turned to leave, but before he did he called back to me.

"Oh, and Audrey?"

"Yeah?" I called back.

"You say anything bout' this to the guys and I'll bash your head in."

"Cool." I gave him a big thumbs up before he left.

So I was alone with this girl who I didn't know, who was so angry you could just about see the steam exiting through her ears. So I did what any logical person would do and initiated a conversation.

"You smoke?"

"Hate to admit it."

"Come, sit down. You look like your head is about to explode." I handed her a cigarette. "Guys just don't know how to treat girls these days."

"Ugh, tell me about it. My name is Sherri by the way. Sherri Valence. My friends all call me Cherry though, cause' of my hair."

"I'm Audrey. Audrey Whiten. Your hair is a beautiful colour. You get it coloured or what?"

"Nope. All-natural." She flipped her hair to one side with the sole purpose of showing it off.

That made my heart jump. I had no idea Dally really was a lady's man. He must have some sort of charm mechanism installed in his brain or something.

"Damn girl, Dally's missn' out," I said. I didn't know why I was being so flirtatious with this girl I barely knew.

"You think so?"

"I know so."

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