Chapter Eleven // Plans

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It was only me and Soda at the DX that day. Business was slow, so Steve went home early. Soda and I were goofing off when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked behind me to see Cherry. She looked beautiful that day. The sight of her made my heart skip a beat.

"Cherry! What a surprise! What are you doing here?"

"I missed you. Well, not like that. Sorry. I mean I was disappointed that our night had to end early. But there's also something I want to talk to you about."

"Like, alone, or-"

"Yeah, privately would be nice."

It was only then that I noticed that Soda was right behind me.

"It's only me and Soda here today. We can talk in the breakroom."

We walked in and Cherry sat on the couch. I locked the door behind me.

"So, what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?" I asked, sitting down next to Cherry.

"So, I was talking with Bob the other day. Well, I was supposed to be talking to him. Anyways, my mind trailed off and I got an idea. You have a car that you don't share with anyone. I have cash. What if we took two weeks this summer and just drove away. I'll pay for the gas, you'll drive. Maybe we'll rent a cottage in the woods, or we'll drive up a hill and watch the sunset. We could drive to a sandy white beach. We could go somewhere without Greasers or Socs. Just a car, a pile of cash, and the two of us for two weeks. What do you say?"

"Count me in. My vacation starts the first week of June. I'll pick you up, have your bags ready. These are going to be the best two weeks of our lives!"

Cherry kissed my hand before we left the breakroom. It was our little tradition at that point. But that still didn't stop my heart from beating like crazy.

I watched Cherry as she left. I wanted to enjoy her beauty for as long as I could. I wasn't going to see her again until next Saturday, so I was enjoying it while it lasted. That is until Soda rudely interrupted me.

"Got a little girl-crush?" joked Soda.

Startled, I spun around and accidentally punched him in the stomach.

"Oh! Jeez, sorry Soda. You scared me."

"*wheeze* Oh god, *wheeze* ow, when will I learn not to do that? *wheeze*"

"I didn't break anything, did I?"

"Only everything *wheeze*," said Soda between pants and wheezes.

"Sorry about that,"

"Oh, I'll be fine in a little bit, *wheeze*"

"I'm not going anywhere until I know you're okay."

Soda was fine after a few minutes. We went back to his place because both of our shifts were over. I was greeted by the sound of arguing.

"I'm not gay! Why do you keep asking?" yelled Johnny.

"Cause' you won't stop looking at my brother, that's why!" yelled the boomy voice of Darry.

"Darry, he already said he's not gay! Can you drop it, please?!" yelled Ponyboy.

"No! I'm not having some boy making advances on my brother!"

"He just looked at me! How is that romantic in the slightest?!" yelled Pony.

"Oh, come on! Are you stupid or what?! He looked at you the way girls at bars look at me!"

"He's my friend! No shit he's going to look at me every now and then!"

"You watch your language!"

"No! I'll curse whenever the fuck I want to!"

"Then I guess you and your little faggot friend can go live in the streets!"

That got my blood boiling. No one calls Johnny a faggot. No one had noticed me and Soda in the doorway, but I didn't care. I barged into the living room where they were arguing and stood up for Johnny.

"What the fuck did you just call Johnny?" I asked, blood boiling.

"He's a fag and he knows it!"

"First off, no, Johnny is not that. Second of all, you can't just go throwing slurs around. Why can't your little pea-sized brain understand that?"

"You got a lot of nerve, talking to me like that!"

"I guess I do! If that's what it takes to get information into your head, then a lot of nerve it is!"

"Oh, you're really testing the waters now..."

"And you're being an inconsiderate little fuck-head! I thought you were a decent guy when we first met, but oh boy, oh boy was I wrong!"

Darry slapped me across the face. The house fell dead silent. Pony's mouth was hanging open. Darry's eyes widened when he realized what he had done. I could tell he instantly regretted his decision. But I did not care one bit. All my anger combined into one solid punch in Darry's face. I shoved him out of the way and walked towards Johnny and Pony. I motioned them to come with me. They agreed and we speed-walked to my car. I angrily got my car started and they hopped in the back seat.

"That fucking asshole," I mumbled under my breath.

I started driving home.

"I don't think Darry has ever hit a girl before or been stood up to by a girl," said Ponyboy.

"First time for everything," I said with a grin.

"You know, that was a really good punch. He deserved it," said Pony.

"Thanks," I said with a laugh.


I pulled into my driveway and we all got out. I got my record player set up and ordered pizzas. I was still very angry at Darry, so I tried to get my mind off of him. I talked to Pony and Johnny for a bit, but they noticed that I was fuming. So Pony made the mistake of asking me about it.

"Why does he need to be such an asshole about it? As much as I respect him and all he does for you guys, that shouldn't be an excuse to be making accusations of people and throwing slurs around willy-nilly! God, I wish I had access to his face right now because I'd totally punch it again..."

We stepped out to have a smoke. That helped calm me down a bit, but not much. I decided to think about something else. Or someone else. Cherry Valence. It was going to be a great trip. I couldn't wait...

"Audrey? Audrey? Hey Audrey?" Johnny was shaking me.

"Huh? What? Oh, hey Johnny-"

"I see Darry's car coming down the road. We need to get inside, now."

"Oh, shit," I said as we rushed inside. Pony and Johnny hid in my room and locked my door as I advised.

A few moments later I heard a knock at my door. I knew it was Darry, but at the same time, I didn't know what to expect. But I wouldn't have guessed in a million years what happened next.

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