Chapter Five // Truth or Dare

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"Why can't I just be normal around girls?" I thought to myself. I knew I wouldn't be able to get to sleep that night if I kept thinking about it, so I drove down to the Curtis household to get my mind off of it.

Steve, Soda and Two-bit were home.

"Hey Audrey! Wanna join us in truth or dare?" asked Two-bit.

"Why the fuck not. Move over." I said as I squeezed onto the couch"

"So," said Two-bit "Audrey, truth or dare?"


"Audrey, do you wear bras?"

"Depends. For the most part, no. They feel like Satan himself is making you wear pre-hell torture. If I know I'm going to be exercising, or if they're tender, then yes. I know you're only asking this because you keep confusing my eyes for my chest. And to answer any further questions, no, I'm not wearing one right now."

Steve started laughing at Two-bit.

"Ha! She blew your cover!" He went in to high five me. I high-fived him back.

"Now, my turn. Steve, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to go jump in the pond down the street!"

The pond down the street is a little pond deep in the woods near Soda's house. Only the gang knew about it, so it was a pretty safe spot to go. When we arrived, Steve jumped in almost immediately so he could get out.

"Alright," Steve said "Sodapop Curtis. Truth or dare?"


"Public sex. Yay or nah?"

"Ooo, kinky." I joked.

"Shut up you." Soda said with a laugh. "Public sex would be a yay."

"Still kinky." Soda gave me a shove.

"Keith Two-bit Mathews," started Soda, "Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to tell Audrey exactly what you think of her right now."

"Audrey, I think you're being flirty with Soda. I also think you should just admit that your in love with him and stop denying it."

"Dude, what the hell? I don't like Soda and you should accept that."

"She's quite touchy on this subject." teased Soda. I swung at his head but he ducked.

"First off, Audrey, turn down the violence. Second, it's my turn. Truth or dare?" asked Two-bit

I could tell that no matter what I picked it would be bad. I decided on dare.

With a smirk on his face and the moon reflecting off the water, he said "I dare you to go skinny dip in front of us"

"Oh, you bastard," I muttered.

"If you don't belong to Soda then there should be no problem in doing this, my dear friend Audrey," he went on.

"Fine, you horny fuck head."

I kept total eye contact while I unbuttoned my shirt. I flipped my hair to one side for added effect. I saw his eyes widen when my chest was exposed. I threw my shirt at his face when I got it off. I quickly pulled off my pants before he took my shirt off his face and ran into the water.

"She's actually done it," I heard Soda whisper.

At that same moment, I heard a couple of footsteps coming from the woods. I hid behind a big rock that was in the center of the pond. Everyone else must have heard it too because they were scrambling to hide my clothes. Ponyboy and Johnny popped out from the woods.

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