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One year later


The kettle whistled from across the kitchen. "Oh, don't worry, I'll get it," said Cherry, kissing me on the forehead. I heard a knock on the door. "And I'll get that," I said, smiling.

I hauled on a bathrobe and slowly opened the door. A vaguely familiar figure who had his head stuck in a map was on the other side. Slowly, he looked up.

Johnny Cade.

"Johnny!" I exclaimed, stepping to the side, letting him in. "Jesus, it feels like it's been forever."

He let a sheepish grin slid. "I've missed you, Audrey. Um, you said on your note that if I ever needed anything, then I should come here."

He sat down on the couch next to me. Cherry came in with two cups of tea. "Oh, Johnny? Is that you? Johnny Cade? I haven't seen you in forever! Here, you can have this, I'll pour up another cup for myself," she said.

I kicked my legs up onto the coffee table. "How's hell- I mean Tulsa been?" I asked, grinning. Cherry came back in and sat down on an armchair across from me.

"You said it. Ever since you two left, everything went up in flames. Sodapop took it the worst. Dally wasn't too surprised. Two-bit an' Steve got over it pretty quickly. Darry seemed disappointed in a way. An' Ponyboy's been acting like you died or something. Sometimes he's like 'if Audrey was here,' or 'what would Audrey do,' or 'I wish Audrey was still with us.' I gotta keep reminding him that you're still alive," explained Johnny.

"Wait, what do you mean 'Sodapop took it the worst?' I thought he was homophobic," I asked.

"Well, he is, but he's like 'well I don't like that part of her, but I still miss her.' He just hasn't been the same. He used to be happy go lucky, not a care in the world, but now he's just different. He's just a little bit duller, in a way."

"Oh. Well, lucky for him, if he ever decides to unhomophobic himself, then my doors are back open to him. But until then, I don't want to see him. But, on another note, what brings you here?" I asked.

Johnny took a deep breath. "Soda found out."

I noticed Cherry's face turn white. She knew what he meant, but that didn't stop her from asking. "... About what?"

Johnny picked at the edge of his shirt. "He saw me goin' in to kiss Ponyboy. He knows I'm gay. Shoot, I should've been more careful-"

"Hey, don't blame yourself. He was probably going to find out eventually, right? But how'd he react? Did Ponyboy make it out okay?" asked Cherry.

"He didn't take it all too well. Pony's fine though, Soda thinks I tried to kiss him, but Pony didn't try to kiss me. He was real mad about it. Luckily, Dally saved my ass, 'cause he walked in while Soda was hollering at me. It's a miracle Soda made it out alive. So when that was all over, I took my dads car an' went to the only place I could think of: here."

I pulled Johnny into a side hug. "God, I'm so sorry about that, John. That's horrible."

"You can stay with us for as long as you'd like, okay?" said Cherry.

Johnny sniffled. "Thanks you guys-"

Johnny was interrupted by another knock on the door. I got up to answer it.

"... Ponyboy? What are you doing here?"

"Audrey! Good to see you! Is Johnny there? I need to see him."

Ponyboy practically shoved past me and threw himself at Johnny.

"Johnny! Oh, thank god you're okay. Look, I told Sodapop the truth. He was pissed, but that don't matter to me. I'm just glad that you're okay."

Johnny looked up. "You did? Ponyboy, you didn't need to-"

"Yes, I did. I'm done hiding. I'm done being ashamed of myself. I love you. And I'm not ashamed of it." He gave Johnny a quick peck on the lips.

"But... what are we gonna do about the gang?" asked Johnny.

Me and Cherry looked at each other. I could almost see myself in their shoes. Cherry piped up.

"Need a place to stay?"

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