Morning After Pt 2

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Josie opened her eyes and immediately sat up.

There was the person she was hoping to avoid for the rest of the year, standing a few steps away from her bed, dangling the phone in front of her.

"You look great." Penelope said and smiled while taking in Josie's unkempt appearance. "Adorable actually, especially with the mismatched pajamas and messy hair."

While trying to process that Penelope was actually in her room, she couldn't help but compare the girl in front of hers' state to her own.

"Uh-uh no get out." Josie said before slumping back on the bed and turning her back from Penelope.

Josie's head raced with different thoughts about what Penelope was doing in her room. She was thinking about whether they were going to talk about it or collectively agree that it never happened.

Or maybe she's going to break things up but that doesn't make any sense. Why couldn't she have just ignored the situation and not come here?

But the mature and level headed person in her said that maybe this was a good thing and they can talk about it like adults.

"That's a bit rude." Penelope pulled the swivel chair from the study table next to Josie's nightstand. "I just got here, plus don't you think it's kind of me to personally bring back your phone to you?"

Josie didn't answer which prompted an eye roll from the other girl. "That I'm now going to put on this table."

Penelope took note of Josie's room since it was her first time there. Next to the study table was a bedside one that had a glass of water along with a candle. On a brown bookshelf sat a couple of books as well as framed pictures of Josie with her family and friends (mostly Hope) that were surrounded by led lights. To her right were different kinds of movie and band posters plastered on the lilac colored wall. And on the far corner was a small potted cactus next to a guitar.

She liked Josie's room. It was very much her except for one item.

With still no answer, Penelope dragged the swivel chair from the study table across the room to where Josie was facing.

She sat down and smiled, "Hey Jojo, how are you?"

Josie answered right away, "Who let you in here anyway?"

"Hope did."

Josie studied her from head to toe. "Was I the only one that drank last night? I mean why do you look like that?" She caught sight of Penelope's outfit for the day which consisted of a plaid skirt paired with a white blouse and a bow.

"It's a gift from God." She winked. "I did drink, not as much as you and 'bird boy' though."

"Bird boy?"

"Check your phone."

Josie stood up while holding a pillow and picked her phone up from the study table. The first thing she saw on her feed was a video of Landon downing a shot before jumping off of a roof onto a pool. Crowds were cheering around him while his arms were flapping like a bird.

Oh god

"That happened?! Why can't I remember that?"

"You see what he's holding?"

Josie rewatched the video and saw that Landon was holding a bottle.

"Is that?-"

"Tequila, which you two had a lot of. And you don't remember that happening because you weren't there. Or more like we weren't there." Penelope said with a much more different tone in her voice. "We left early."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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