Morning After Pt 1

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Why tf does this fic have 2k reads/views...also hey how yall doin ahaha


"True story." Lizzie copied what Hope said a while ago.

"Gee thanks," She said to Hope who just shrugged and took a drink out of her cup of coffee.

Her older sister began, "Honestly Jo, just tell-"

"Fine! I slept with Penelope!"

Hope froze before spewing some of the coffee she drank as it went down the wrong pipe.

"Oh my God, are you okay?" Josie spoke seeing her friend that was now coughing and struggling for air.

And then there was Lizzie staring at Josie with her mouth agape, while also managing to pat and rub circles on Hope's back.

When Hope stopped choking and was now able to breathe, Lizzie spoke. "No, you did not."

"Have you lost your mind?" Hope said and wiped the rim of her eyes filled with tears.

"No, you did not." Lizzie said again.

"Are you actually insane?"

"You did not."

"Are you sure you know, did it?"

"I don't know." Josie answered.

"What do you mean you don't know?" The blonde asked.

"I mean last night was a total blur. At first, I was upstairs watching a movie with Landon, then we were downstairs and the last thing I remember was-"

The last thing she remembered was that she was inching closer to Penelope staring at her lips wanting-

"-I barely remember anything." Is what she said instead.

Lizzie ran her hand through her hair. "What the hell Josie this so out of character for you. You don't like her do you?"

Josie anxiously fidgeted with her hands, not wanting to look at the disapproval on their faces. It was true. She knew everything that happened was unlike her.

"Of course not, well not in that way."

"You and Penelope don't even know anything about each other." Hope finally added.

That one hit hard. Sure almost everything was going well with their friendship. They somewhat trusted each other but she was already having these issues before with Penelope. And for someone to point it out, clearly she wasn't the only one to notice.

"Exactly," Lizzie continued lecturing her. "Look I don't care about someone sleeping with a person they barely know, because let's be honest here one night stands are there for a reason, but this is you we're talking about. You and her." She said with disdain. "You need to break your so-called 'friendship' now."

"What?" Josie asked pointedly.

"Yeah do it first before she does it to you."

"You're not serious, are you? I mean I don't see it as a big deal."

It was a big deal. All of them knew it. But breaking a friendship up that could actually turn into something meaningful because of one simple mistake seemed a bit drastic. Josie wasn't going to give up, no, not just yet.

And apparently what Lizzie suggested struck a small nerve which prompted her to blurt out, "Why do you even care so much?"

Lizzie glared at Josie letting her know to take back what she said.

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