Road Trip Pt 1

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A road trip back to Mystic Falls would take a couple of hours. It wasn't that long of a time to be unbearable. But now they were currently sitting in traffic which would add one more hour to the trip. One fact about Josie was that she can't travel an hour or more without playing music or else she would get sick.

As music was softly playing from the car radio, Penelope and Josie were slightly huddled in the back of the cramped car. Caroline explained that she went to Lizzie's apartment since her daughter had a few things that she wanted to return home. This made both the car trunk and backseat filled with random objects.

Penelope leaned closer to Josie and whispered in her ear, "See how we're already getting to know each other?"

She didn't respond to Penelope's comment and just pushed the girl away while trying to ignore the tingle that crept on her spine.

Caroline heard the abrupt "oomph" in the backseat and decided to look at the rearview mirror. What she saw was her daughter with a red face and the girl beside her with a smirk, that Caroline can only describe as playful but also smug. The kind that her brother in law has.

"So Penelope you told me that you're in the same year as Lizzie and that you were roommates back then. But how do you know Josie?" Caroline inquired.

"I was part of some committee that led freshmen and new students on the first day," Penelope said, not delving into too many details.

"Was it on the first day?" Josie asked, 'I don't remember meeting you, I met Dana that day though."

Yes, Josie was never going to let that day go. She wanted to get back at all the jabs Penelope had previously said.  She was going to do this by ratting her and the stunts she had pulled out to Caroline.

"Who's Dana?" Caroline asked.

Penelope laughed with her confidence still intact. "She's a good friend of mine."

No they were not at all. A few days after Josie learned who Dana really was, she got to know that Penelope and Dana hated each other from the very beginning. Even Lizzie hated Dana where she had even said that for once "Satan" did something good by letting hell pour over Dana fucking Lilien.

"And Josie you are right, we didn't meet on the tour."

Josie nodded and smiled. Her face was full of victory like she had successfully put Penelope into a trap.

"We met at a party." She said

Penelope bit back, "Ah yes, that party...remind me again when that was?" 

Oh no

"I know it was in the first week of classes." She continued. "Now was it on a Tuesday night? Or a Friday night? It's kind of a blur to me."

Caroline's eyes widened. "Josette! You went to a party on a school night?!"

"Josette!" Penelope snickered at the name.

"No mom! It was a Friday night."


"It was a small get together."


"Plus Lizzie, Hope and I came with each other it was all good."

Half lie

Caroline looked at Josie through the rearview mirror before turning her attention back on the road.

"It better be." She said.

Josie looked at the girl beside her who was now stifling a laugh. She slumped back in her seat with a pout on her face. She thought about how her plan exploded in her face. How that one tiny thing to get back at Penelope had turned around and became her fault.

That was when she first got to know she couldn't get back at Penelope because of her calculating nature. And that she couldn't win when it comes to her tricks and schemes.


As the trip continued, Caroline and Penelope had been talking with each other. It was mostly her interviewing and asking a lot more than necessary questions about Penelope's newfound relationship with her daughter. It wasn't in a strict manner but more of a friendly one, an 'I just want to get to know Josie's new friend.'

Nonetheless, it also wasn't an issue for Penelope because she was able to keep Caroline entertained the whole time. She was showing a side of her that Josie had seen back then at the flower shop. Amiable and charming, the kind of personality that appealed to a lot of people and even parents. And as the two's conversation progressed Josie saw that her mom was actually growing fond of Penelope.

The pair were laughing and talking like her mom had already approved of the girl.

Josie had to admit if this was the version of Penelope she had met or at least the version that Hope wanted her to be friends with, there was never going to be an issue, it might even turn into something more.

But there was still something different. Josie wondered if her mom could see it or is she was the only one who noticed. This version was a little bit more closed off, more guarded.

Maybe it was because Penelope and Caroline had just met, but Josie didn't know, it really just seemed...weird. She shrugged it off and decided to join in on the conversation.

Josie asked her where she would stay since Penelope had said that her family was either in Belgium or in New Orleans.

"My brother currently lives here." She said. "Mrs Sal-"

"Oh sweetie you can just call me Caroline." She said as she was starting to like Penelope of course.

Penelope smiled politely. "Caroline you can just drop me off at the grill." She said referring to the local restaurant Mystic Grill.

"You don't want us to drop you off at your house?"

"No it's okay my brother will be picking me up and I don't want to get in the way of your guys' time together." She said, with what Caroline heard as a sweet tone.

What a kiss-ass. Josie thought, even though she had a tendency to be one herself.

"You're not getting in the way." Josie grinned. "But if you insist then it's okay."

The two of them looked like they were having a grinning contest. Or even a contest to see who was more stuck up.


They were now currently parked in front of the grill. Josie could see how busy the establishment was for a Thursday night as the outside was surrounded by multiple cars. And through the windows, she could see that there were several silhouettes that were hurriedly walking back and forth.

Before Penelope got out of the car, Caroline had offered another car ride on Sunday when Josie gets back to Whitmore. Penelope respectfully declined and said that she was going to take her car on the way back.

Which Josie was thankful for. She couldn't bear another 3-hour trip with the two of them being giddy.

Dear God I sound so bitter.

"Thank you for the ride Mrs- I mean Caroline."

Penelope stepped off the car and before she closed the door she spoke, "See you around Jojo." And gave Josie one of her infamous winks.


I may have lied when I said that this was going to be a long chapter. 😙✌

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