It's A School Night

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Josie was in her chemistry class pretending to listen and understand the topic. She was tapping her pen on the table, leg bouncing up and down, her head resting on her hand. While doing this, she managed to think about why she was actually at this new school.

She wondered why she was suddenly shipped off to a place far away before even having to graduate back at home. Whatever happens now is that it will teach her to be more independent, she thought.

When the bell finally rang she hung out with her new group of friends in a diner that reminded her of the Mystic Grill back home. They were seated at the corner booth talking about how boring the first two days were until some college students walked in like they owned the place.

"I swear I don't know why they act like they're still in high school. You'd think they'd be more mature." Landon said while chewing on a pancake drizzled with a bunch of syrup.

Josie thought about her experience the other day, about the godforsaken tour.

You would think they'd be more mature.

"Gross man don't talk with your mouth full," Raf spoke, eyeing one of the students.

Josie's other friend, Kym, saw who Raf was looking at.

"That girl is Maya." She said pointing to the one Josie saw yesterday with Dana.

All of they're attention were now on the group of students that walked in. "She's like this queen b-"

"That's still a thing?" Raf interrupted.

"Like I said immature," Landon answered.

Kym smiled and shrugged "But that isn't the best part yet, there's a queen A."

"Oh so when you said queen bee, you meant to say queen B." Josie laughed.

"Huh?" Landon asked with a confused look all over his face. But no one answered him and Kym continued to talk.

"Yeah basically," She looked around the restaurant to find the queen A.

"But I don't think she's here." She said and settled down in her seat.

"How do you know these things?" Raf wanted to know since the four of them were new students and only arrived a couple of days ago.

"That would be because of my older brother, who is also part of their group." She pointed to a guy that was talking to some girl.

"Anyway, as far as I know, Maya and the queen A have been close friends ever since they met. So they're pretty much partners in crime."

It was now Josie's turn to ask a question. "So what's her name?"

"Penelope Park." They all looked up to see a tall blonde girl.

"Lizzie hey!" Josie greeted "What are you doing here?"

"I was actually going to your apartment but then I saw you here and since I wasn't able to hang out yesterday, I wanted to make it up to you."

"Wow, college did do a number you." Josie smiled thinking of how her sister has matured, considering that she wasn't really the type of person to 'make it up to you'.

"Not that much, now scooch."

But that doesn't mean everything did change and honestly, that comforted Josie.

After introducing her sister to her friends, Lizzie added some information about the said queen A. "Yeah she's a total bitch so I suggest you guys stay away from her."

"Ooh, a dangerous girl...sounds hot!" Landon cooed.

"No offence, but she will eat you alive," Lizzie said clearly disgusted.

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