It's out of this world

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Ah, extended family. Not my favourite thing in the world, I won't lie. I wasn't really a family guy if you catch my drift.

So, I'm one quarter English. My mother is half French half British and was born in ol' London. Because of that, a lot of her family lived up there. Which meant, sometimes, we took vacations to go up and visit them.

Also, they all spoke English, so I suppose it was a good opportunity to get some practice there. Mom was a native speaker so she'd taught me quite a bit. Still, I didn't think it was perfect quite yet.

And so, it was the five of us - my mother, Avril, and the demon twins. We had to get on the train to go to good old London. I wasn't exactly looking forward to being stuck on the train with the demon twins for a good few hours, but at least I'd get to go on one of those cool double decker buses once we got to London. I'll admit, I was a fan of those.

Anyway, so the five of us packed up all of our bags and whatnot and headed off to the train station. Soon enough, we arrived at the Gare du Nord. Blah blah, walking around with our painfully heavy suitcases. Trust me, you do not want to hear about all the whining from the demon twins.

Before long, we got to the Startrain platform. It was the one that my good pal Max had invited us to; apparently, his mom was driving the train or something.

The eponymous star train was right in front of us. It was a nice looking train, I guess; long, white, and covered with patterns of blue stars.

"Ooh," the twins gawked.

"Such a nice looking train, isn't it?" Mom asked.

"I guess," I shrugged. I yawned into my palm. God, I hoped I'd get some rest while on the train.

Max was sitting by the blue door. He perked up when he saw me. Markov was floating beside his head.

"Johnathan!" Max waved at me.

"Oh, Johnathan!" Markov spun around in a circle. "So good to see you!"

"Uh, yeah, you too," I walked up to Max.

"Are you ready to get on board?" Max asked.

"Uh huh," I nodded. The rest of my family looked ready too, thankfully.

"Excellent," Max went inside the train, Markov flying around his head. "Then come aboard."

He led us into the train, taking us to one of the passenger carriages. On the way there, we walked by Marinette and her friends on the train as well, which put me in a good mood (not). Luckily, Max took us to a different carriage with some other families.

And so there we were, in our carriage. The chairs almost looked like the ones you'd see on roller coasters; big, blue chairs with large pillows. Good news, they looked comfy. Up above were containments for bags and such.

Mom and Avril opened up the containments, and began loading them with our stuff.

"So," I looked at Max. "Your mom's driving this thing?"

"Yes," Max nodded. "She hopes to begin her astronaut training soon. She wanted to do it a long time ago, but alas, she had to be there for me. She's currently waiting for her test results."

"Wow, an astronaut?" I asked. "Your mom sounds cool."

Max nodded. "She is."

"Ah, I get how that feels," Avril sighed, looking over her shoulder. "My ex husband was a stay at home father, while I was out working. However, after his death, I had to come home to care for the kids... not that I don't love my girls, of course..." She grinned at her kids. "... but sometimes, I do miss that freedom."

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