Don't sing for me

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I was at school when I heard some of the most generic music to ever exist, blasting through someone's BlueTooth speakers in the halls. Yet, it was familiar too. Then it hit me. That's right, I'm talking about our old friend XY.

Despite being named after the male chromosomes, the guy certainly didn't get any manly respect from me. He looked like a banana wearing a shitty purple jacket. And his music sucked. Yet everyone at school loved him, especially the girls. He was all the rage as I walked around the school hallways, making me want to do my head in.

"Didn't you hear?" some girls laughed, leaning against the lockers. "Bob Roth - XY's dad - are looking for new talent! They want bands to send in their ideas! They've got two weeks!"

"But I don't have a band," another girl whined.

"Me neither," a guy sighed. "But my brother's friend's band is trying out. Kitty Section, I think they're called."

What kind of band name is that? I cringed. Then again, I'd heard worse.

"And I heard one of the members is really cute," another girl giggled. "His name is Luka. Luka Couffaine."

Hey, I know that guy, I thought. He's the guy I met while ice-skating, right?

"Ooh, who's gonna win?" another guy asked. "I'm so excited!"

Well, I wasn't excited at all, and I really didn't care. So I moved on, ignoring people as I always did.

But of course, there was a reason I'm showing you all this.

Fast forward two weeks, and believe it or not I actually hadn't run into any stupid shit during that time. My life wasn't going horribly for once. Isn't that just amazing? Well, I suppose one thing did happen, but we'll get back to that in just a bit.

So, I was at school again. Just like everything that took place two weeks prior, there were people crowded in the hallway, drooling over XY and his trashy music.

Which was really great (not), because on that day, I had a real bad headache. I had to go and see Dr. Mirza after school and do boring hearing aid stuff, so I wasn't having a good fun time.

In other words, XY's music gets a 0/10 from me.

I glanced at someone's phone as they waved it around the school (surprisingly, they didn't knock anyone in the head). The phone was playing a video of XY dancing, wearing some colourful cardboard boxes, I guess. The flashing stars and rainbows from the video did not help my migraine.

"... cause I love my unicorn, and fluffy blue bunnies, too!" XY sung.

My poor head...

Also, that song was very familiar to me, but not in a good way. Remember when I mentioned the thing that happened over the two week time skip? Long story short, it had to do with that guy Luka, and his band, Kitty Section.

About a week into the two week time skip, I was walking through Paris, minding my own business as always. I was walking near the Seine river, crossing a bridge, when I spotted a cool-looking houseboat floating by a dock. I honestly don't care much about houseboats, but it was still pretty cool to look at.

It was colourful, covered in a million unique decorations. It was really hard to dissect them all. Swinging on top was a large front sail with a skull-like pattern. On the front of the boat was an open, stage-like area. All of the sudden, a guy got off the boat using the bridge connected to the dock, sweeping his blue hair out of his eyes.

Heyyyy, I gazed at him. I know that guy. What's his name again?

Guitar on his back, the guy walked over to me. We stared at each other.

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