Detroit: Don't Become Human

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So I've mentioned Max Kante before. As you all know, the guy was pretty smart... academically, anyway.

As well as being an epic gamer, he also happened to be an inventor. Occasionally, he told me about his inventions. Sometimes even showed me them. They were pretty impressive, I'll admit. The guy had some serious talent. But the invention that really caught my attention was a sentient robot he created.

Yeah, really. Not like the androids in Detroit: Become Human, but close enough.

So, I was at the Trocadéro, one of my favourite places in Paris, despite all the pigeons. I sat on the steps. Max soon came over, backpack over his shoulders.

"Ah, Johnathan, good to see you," he sat down beside me.

"Yo," I nodded to him. "What've you got for me?"

"Can I come out now?" his... backpack...? asked.

"Yes you can," Max nodded at his backpack. "Johnathan, meet Markov, my best friend."

He opened the lid of his backpack. A cute little robot flew out, hovering beside my head using a little propeller. It was about the size of a baseball with a blue and grey body. It had a transparent blue tactile sensor, a gray face with a button that had a blue heart engraved on it, a turquoise screen that had two black dots which resembled eyes, and two blue ear-like round sections on its sides that had a white outline.

"Hello, Johnathan," Markov turned to me, waving its weird arm thing. "My name is Markov. It's nice to meet you. Max has told me a lot about you."

"Uh, yeah, same to you," I replied. I turned to Max. "Pretty cool. So, is it like a mini Alexa or something?"

"Not exactly," Max shook his head. "He's the most highly-evolved type of robot there is! He can do anything from fixing viruses on your computer to basic maths!"

"Oh, that is pretty cool," I said.

"See this," Max held out a flash drive.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Max and I created it," Markov told me. "This flash drive neutralizes a hundred percent of computer viruses!"

"Huh, really?" I asked.

"I took a video," Max held out his phone. "Watch."

He pressed play on the screen. The screen showed what looked like a science lab in Collège Françoise Dupont. That principal guy and... the science teacher, I guess... were standing at the front of the classroom. Behind them was a large computer screen, attached to a laptop. Piles of data were disappearing rapidly.

"It's destroying all the school data!" the principal shouted. "It's a disaster!" He turned to Max. "How many seconds do you say we have left?"

"Only sixty-five," Max replied from his desk. The phone camera was near his face, so we got a little too personal with him if I do say so myself...

"Let him try," the principal said.

"Unnh! Where is it?" Max scoured through his bag.

"I believe this is what you're looking for?" an arm popped out of the bag, holding up the flash drive.

"Oh, thanks," Max took the flash drive, adjusting his glasses like a smart anime character. "This is an anti-virus device I–I created it with help from... my best friend."

Markov flew out of the bag, floating near Max's head. "Hello. My name is Markov." He turned to Max. "We can fix this, Max!"

Max plugged the flash-drive into the school's computer. "This flash drive neutralizes a hundred percent of the virus!"

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