stalking the number one hero

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Hello welcome to the next chapter of captured. I'm so sorry I haven't posted in like a month, schools been a bitch and writers block doesn't help. Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter of captured 💜


"woah that's cool,your so small" todoroki said looking into her hood. "Hold on todoroki".


"Midoriya are you sure your gonna be okay" todoroki held Midoriya in his hands, and was about to let him go "I'll be fine, now pit me down you look weird talking to a rat" Midoriya spoke. Todoroki bent down on his knees and Midoriya ran from his grip "I'll find you when I'm ready for class" Midoriya then ran into the school.

"We're are you..." Midoriya was running down the halls of UA trying to find all might he found the teacher lounge and went in. "Mic, please classes are going to start soon and I need to be a little tipsy" aizawa said "..not gonna even bother" Midoriya murmured he ran towards a door that had all might engraved into it "he is sooo special, gets his own room now". Midoriya went under the door frame only to see the skeleton of the great number one hero sitting across from the principal "keeping up my muscle form is getting harder by the day, I only have 3 hours until I got poof" all might stated "hmm yes that is a problem have you thought about who your gonna pass it too" nezu said " there is mirio, but he's already doing so well" all might said "what about someone from class 1A, those students seemed to impress even aizawa" nezu said "there is young Bakugo, iida, todoroki" nezu added "yes but none of them have that thing, I've never seen one of them run head first into danger" all might stated "what about Suzuki, in the entrance exams he saved another student" "he.... Has this thing about him, I know that not everyone likes me but it seems he wants to kill me every time I try to talk to him" all might sighed. "...then again there is todoroki, his dad hates me so I thought he might too but deep in his eyes I see admiration for me when I look at him" he added "so Suzuki or todoroki, those are two good choices who would use it the best" nezu said just then a bell rang "well, I need to go 1B is waiting for me" all might said standing up from the couch.

Midoriya was grinning, if you could call it that he does look like a rat at the moment "if I butter up all might I get his power, or I can let my dearest boyfriend have it" Midoriya said still following all might. All might went all over the school and were ever he went Midoriya followed and all might didn't have a clue.


Midoriya ran to the lunchroom to meet up with the group. He found them fast, they were outside in a tree for some reason "guys what are you doing" Midoriya said running up to them "izuku your back, tell dabi he can't spend all of lunch hanging from that branch" toga giggled dabi was hanging from a low Branch "I'm not moving, I'll eat like this too" dabi said "I don't think that's a good idea dabi" todoroki added "let him hang I have good in-" Midoriya was cut off by one of the most recognizable voice "young todoroki hello, can I talk to you please" all might said Todoroki look at Midoriya, he nodded "yeah sure,I'll see you guys during class" todoroki walked off behind all might. "So, do you know that that's about" dabi said still hanging from the tree "yes, he's giving him his quirk" Midoriya said "WHAT" toga and dabi yelled, dabi fell out of the tree "ha told you you couldn't last" toga snickered "haha very funny and Midoriya what do you mean he's giving him his quirk" dabi asked "you know how I have like 10 quirks, all for one is able to steal quirks and give them to people, one for all stock piles quirks  and are able to pass down" Midoriya explained "so todoroki is getting the quirk?" Toga asked "yes, my dearest boyfriend will be the successor of one of all" Midoriya said.

After school

"So, todoroki what happened with all might" Midoriya asked "..." "Todo" "......" "My dearest" "...oh, did you say something" todoroki looked at Midoriya "I asked what happened to all might" Midoriya repeated himself "oh, he was telling me about his quirk" todoroki answered "but I bet you already know about his... problem" todoroki added "I do, did you take the deal" Midoriya asked "I asked if I could think about it" he answered " was between me and you,so if you don't take it I'll have it" Midoriya said "wouldn't you want it" todoroki asked "no, I don't know how many more quirks my body can handle" Midoriya answered "so your getting close to your limit" "yep, and his quirk stock piles them" "...I'll do it, for you" "your the best, dearest" "we're did the dearest come from" " what you don't like it" "no no, I do but it came from out of nowhere" "I had some inner monologue and I called you dearest boyfriend, and I liked it" "hmm, okay" todoroki answered

At the base

"So what did you get on all might Midoriya" all for one asked "my dearest will explain" Midoriya said sitting on the couch "i-i...all might is giving me his quirk" todoroki said looking at the screen "hmm, you can keep it" "keep what sir" todoroki asked "the quirk, you can keep it we will train you to use it properly and you will become the strongest one here" the screen said " good job, my student" he added "...yes your welcome sir" "master is fine" "okay... master". The screen went black and every one stood silent. "I'm going for a walk, don't follow me" Midoriya sudden said standing up "...oh no" toga muttered, Midoriya slammed the door leaving the bar "what's wrong with Midoriya" todoroki asked "Midoriya did so much to impress all for one, he  faked his death, he had to watch his mom's funeral from a far, he keeps a cool face but he's always guilty because he thinks he's the reason for his mothers death. Then his boyfriend comes and steals the spotlight" toga and dabi said " I made him mad,I have to go apologize" todoroki started walking towards the door "NO, you can't when he's like this only one person can help him" toga said "so who is this person" todoroki asked "his old master, he basically raised him" shigaraki said "young izuku needs time to himself, you should head home and we will call you when he comes back" kurogiri said. "Alright, I'll see you guys at school, bye"

Hello this is the end of the chapter I hope you enjoyed . Sorry about the excuses for not posting but I haven't thought of anything to write until recently. Also this series is almost over, I'm actually thinking of a new series and once I worked out all the details to it I'll tell you guys about it. I hope you are having a good day and goodbye. 💜

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