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Hello welcome to the next chapter of captured hope you enjoy 💜


don't know yet, definitely don't want to be a villain,but I really don't want to be a hero" todoroki asked. "So are we friends now" "sure,why not we have to go back to class now" "okay todo let's go"


"We're home" Midoriya said walking into the base "how'd it go with that todoroki kid" shigaraki asked "he said he doesn't want to be a villain or a hero, I'll think of something okay". "I'm going out" "ooh~ we're you going" "going to pay a lil visit to stiany,toga I'll meet you at school okay?" "Yeah sure,see you there". "Hel-, Midoriya what are you doing here?" "I can't stop by at say hi" "you can but... Not right now go back home Midoriya stop by tomorrow" "but- whatever" Midoriya got back on his bike and drove off. "Stupid stain,I can't go home just yet either, ooh~ I know the perfect place" Midoriya drove off and went to a store... "Hello do you sell motorcycle helmets." "Yeah, in the back" "thanks" Midoriya walked to the back and saw a red and black helmet, "perfect" Midoriya took the helmet to the front desk "this please, oh and this" Midoriya grabbed two Pocky boxes, "$25.99" "here, you go" "your $2 short  " "shit, take a Pocky box off please" "here ya go" "um you gave me both of the boxes" "yes, I know we live a shady part of town so people just steal it, but you were kind enough to not so the box on the house" "thanks, cya later".

Midoriya drove off, he made it to his destination...
"What floor would he be on.. second" Midoriya threw a rock against a window "hello who's out there" "hey... Where's shoto room" Midoriya asked "why" "I'm his friend, and I wanted to hang out... I'll leave if he's not here" "NO.. he's here I'll let you in the front door, Shotos, talking with our dad". "Thanks for letting me in..." "Natsuo" "his room is... This one" "you sure,you hesitated" "when I was coming to open the door he came back to his room so..." "It's fine, thanks again natsuo". "Hey, todo... Are you ok" "when did you get here" " like 5 minutes ago" "I need bandages, can you get them from the bathroom" "okay,I'll rap them too". "You don't have to do this, I could have done it" "we're going to jump out this window" "Suzuki, why are you here" "to break you out of this hell hole, are you feeling better" "'s not as bad as usual" ",your dad is a asshole, come on" Midoriya and todoroki jumped out the window and landed in a bush. " ok todo" "I'm fine" "alright let's go then"...

Hello this is the end of the chapter of captured hope you enjoyed 💜 I'm very sorry if this chapter isn't good

captured Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora