Bakugo's regret

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Hello and welcome to the next chapter of captured I hope you enjoy 💜


He went to the tallest building he could find he was about to jump when...


"Hey kid why are you up here" a man said "who are you" Midoriya said looking at the figure "easerhead pro hero" he said "shit, this really isn't a good time Easerhead" Midoriya spoke turning away and facing the   ledge "you want to talk about it" the hero asked trying to sound sympathetic. Midoriya didn't have time for this, so before the hero could do any thing else he jumped.

*10 minutes before*

aizawa POV

I was walking in a part of down were the  crime rate was the highest. Then I saw a figure on a tall building, so I went to go check it out. When I got up there, there was a boy he was short, he also had green fluffy hair "hey kid why are you up here" i spoke. The kids asked who I was I told him my hero name. He looked happy, it was strange " you want to talk about it" I asked. It happened so fast he jumped I ran to the ledge and trued to catch him with my scarf... But I missed. I ran down to look at his body. He was dead and he was standing right there almost in his reach. He then picked up the body and took him to the hospital. I found his wallet, his name izuku Midoriya. He asked to front desk to contact his mom. She was here in five minutes crying while looking at her son's body, it was stiff eyes closed and a little smile.

Third person POV

Bakugo and his mother came to check up on Inko, Bakugo was trying not to cry but he started crying when he saw the body...

Bakugo's POV

I saw the body and I couldn't hold back my tears anymore.. it was my fault he was dead, I told him to. "DAMNIT I SHOULD HAVE SAVED HIM" Bakugo yelled "please calm down sir" a doctor said "it's my fault, izuku... I promise for you I'll become the number one hero, I promise" Bakugo said while walking away from Midoriya's room

That's the end of this chapter, I was sorta sad while writing this chapter. Next chapter will be posted tomorrow hopefully I hoped you enjoyed 💜

captured Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora