stain the dad

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hello welcome to the next chapter of captured i hope you enjoy 


"his old master, he basically raised him" shigaraki said "young izuku needs time to himself, you should head home and we will call you when he comes back" kurogiri said. "Alright, I'll see you guys at school, bye"


Midoriya was angry, angry at all for one, angry at todoroki,angry at everyone in the league of villains. He's been there for so long and someone just comes in and takes what he wanted for so long. So he goes to the one place where he can relax.

"Stain, open the God damn door" Midoriya yelled, he's been knocking for 5 minutes and he hasn't heard anything. So Midoriya picks the lock and walked in he sat at the dinner table for about 30 minutes and he started dozing off but then he heard something "god damnit, why my house" stain muttered  "oh thank god, you took forever" Midoriya said, he stood up and stretched. "Izuku, why are you here" stain asked "I needed to get away from the league" Midoriya answered "hmm, okay so you wanna blow off some steam I got new guns" stain said "I would love too, but I'm fucking starving you got food" Midoriya asked "there's some in the fridge, I'll go get the guns out" stain walked out of the room and went into the basement. Midoriya went to the fridge and got a microwave meal and held it in his hand, and suddenly you heard a pop and steam. He sat back down at the table and started to eat. "Alright I got the guns, I'll be in the back come out when your ready" stain walked though the back door.

Midoriya walked in the backyard, or what you could call it, it was a giant room with a sky mural painted in the top, he went down the few stairs and saw stain putting the last gun together "finally, let's do this whoever gets the most bullseye new gun" stain stated "alright, does the gun have a case, because I don't want to get in trouble for carrying a gun out" Midoriya snickered "you one confident man, let's do this". They started shooting at the boards in the back, they went on like this for 3 hours, and in the end it was a tie. "Damn Midoriya, last time we did this you won, you need to practice more" stain laughed "I know i know, we don't have any space though" " I'll give you a key so you don't have to pick my lock anymore" stain stated "thanks stain your the best, I should head out now I'll probably be back tomorrow after school" Midoriya said "tch, school sucks" "aizawa said we're doing something special, so I'm intrigued" "alright, well it was nice to see you, remember you need to practice more" "I will, promise".

"Izuku your back, are you okay" toga asked when Midoriya first walked in the bar "yeah I'm fine, I feel better thanks for asking toga" Midoriya hugged her "your the best". Midoriya let go and went to his room and fell asleep

Hello um im really sorry about not updating  since January, I don't really have an excuse but I am really sorry and I hope you enjoyed this chapter of captured and the next chapter should be out a lot sooner. And it will have information about my next story 💜

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