new friends

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Hello welcome to the next chapter of captured hope you enjoy 💜

"I...I umm...sure... Suzuki" Todoroki said trying to hide his face "aw sweet you remember me, I'll ask a teacher is we can use a field for training, bye todo" Midoriya said running back into the main cafeteria... "What just happened...." Todoroki said


"Toga can I speak with you, alone" Midoriya asked "yeah sure,but don't sneak up on me any more" toga said. Midoriya and toga started walking to there classroom "so did you do it?" Toga asked "yep,we're training later today,you want to come?" "No, I'm going out with some friends" toga answered "remember don't get to comfortable" "I know I know"..

"Hello class, today we have a new student, don't asked questions, please come in" aizawa said "but sir we're a month into school who would come in this late?" Iida asked "some new program nezu set in place" "hello,I am dabi, I got caught trying to kill someone so I got sent here" "....did you succeed..." Toga asked "yes I did" " any other questions" dabi as asked "how many people have you killed" Midoriya asked "about 200 give or take" dabi answered "go sit by Suzuki" "okay". "So, was this your plan?" Toga asked "toga shhh we can talk later" dabi answered.

After class

"Hey Sensei, can me and todoroki use a field for training after school" "yeah sure, I don't care" "thanks Sensei"Midoriya said walking out to go to lunch. ",So this is the plan to get all three of us here" Midoriya asked "yeah, basically" dabi answered "that's great, we can all work together now" toga yelled "TOGA,shhh" Midoriya yelled "so strange" "but the green haired on is kinda cute" ",yeah" "I have to find todoroki" Midoriya said "alright have fun" toga and dabi said.

"So you like this spot" "jeez,what do you want" "I can't say hi to my friend" Midoriya asked "I'm not your friend" "ouch so hurtful, come on todo" "leave me alone" "I know about your dad,and I'm sorry for asking to train" Midoriya said "how do you know about what my dad does" todoroki asked "I used to hack, and try to collect dirt on evil heros, so I started with your dad" Midoriya answered "so do you really want to be a hero" "nah not really,how about you"
"I don't know yet, definitely don't want to be a villain,but I really don't want to be a hero" todoroki asked. "So are we friends now" "sure,why not we have to go back to class now" "okay todo let's go"

Hello this is the end of chapter of captured I hoped you enjoyed. Also very sorry is todoroki isn't like the canon one.💜💜

captured Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ