Chapter 4

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They barely made it back in time for dinner, and Eric was still five minutes late. Tugging on his jacket, a guard opened the ornate wooden doors for the formal dining room reserved only for special occasions and even more special guests. 

Everyone rose when he walked in but Eric's eyes landed on his father's fuming figure at the head of the table. "I apologize, Jora and I went sailing this afternoon and we got caught in a riptide," he explained, strolling down the right side of the table to claim his seat at his father's right hand. 

"Please excuse my son's ineptitude, monsieur," Christian said through gritted teeth. "He sometimes let's life carry him away." 

Eric looked at who his father was addressing. Another impressively large man was seated to his father's left dressed in a suit that only someone with the title "King" attached to his name could achieve. He had a thick flowing grey beard that matched his hair and cold blue eyes that settled on Eric with an equally cold smile. 

"Not a problem Christian, I too remember my youth and wanting to escape to open air every once in a while." He stood, level in height with Christian. A decorative scabbard was attached to his hip, the gold flashing in the candlelight. "Prince Eric, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance after such a long time. Last time we met you were only four." 

Eric glanced at his father, also now standing. He wracked his brain for who this man could be and when he looked again into his cold eyes it clicked. "King Triton, the pleasure is all mine." Eric bowed and pulled out his chair, sitting down next to a young woman who shot him a small smile, hands neatly folded in her lap. She had long black hair piled neatly around her face, framing delicate cheekbones and eyes as blue as her father's but much less cold.

"Eric, I would like to introduce you to my daughter, Celeste de Ocenaic," Triton introduced as the two King's sat. 

Eric flashed a charming smile at the girl and bowed his head, reaching for her hand. "Princess Celeste, the brightness of your face would shame the stars." She blushed as he kissed her bare knuckles, maintaining their eye contact as he did so. 

"Are you well versed in Shakespeare?" she asked, drawing her hand back and settling it in her lap again. 

A fleet of butlers pushed through the rear doors and began setting out their first course for the evening. Another poured Eric a full glass of wine that he immediately reached for. "I studied him for a semester at Univeristy. I read in my free time while I can," he answered, impressed she had recognized the quote. In truth, he loved Shakespeare. He loved all of his plays, poems, sonnets, anything the man published. He'd never outright admit to anyone except perhaps Jora, how much he loved the sappy words printed on those pages. 

"What else did you study your highness?" She asked, sipping delicately at her own wine glass. Eric traced the lines of her arms, so pale and delicate with not a blemish on them. Her posture was rod-straight despite the uncomfortableness of the chairs that made even the King squirm. Less than five minutes of knowing her and Eric knew she was a proper lady through and through. The exact kind of girl his father would want him to marry. And with King Triton's military strength, should Darmken be dragged into a war they'd Gremola to guard their backs. It was a flawless plan, and it made the wine in his stomach sour. 

The thought made his eyes widen and Celeste's eyes flickered with concern. He glanced at Triton and Christian, having their own side conversation but watching the two of them closely. He had to play this off. He had to remain cool. They couldn't know that he knew. Not yet, anyway.

"Oh, history, literature, law, philosophy, economics," Eric rambled, trying not to squirm even more now that he'd finally figured out why he was down here in this ridiculous suit chatting with a princess who was both too good and not enough for him. "Did you study?" 

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