Chapter 43

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Hiiiiii, I'm so sorry for the long absence, I started taking some really intense summer classes and my writing ability went out the window. But we're back! I've outlined the rest of the story so there's only a few chapters left of Eric and Ariel's love story before we move onto to the next one (something I'm SUPER pumped about). I hope you enjoy this little interlude pt 1 before the Big Bang (kind of literally heheh).
Thank you again for reading and sticking through this journey with me!

A few minutes later when Eric stepped into the suite he found all the pirates gathered in their sitting room. Seb, Flounder, Jora, and the other pirate lords who'd agree to come to the meeting as well. Still absent though, was Declan.

His eyes found Ariel instantly sprawled on a loveseat by the window. She was dressed in fresh pants and shirt, paired with a rather stunning navy jacket that hugged her curves and provided many places to hide a weapon.

She met his gaze and jerked her chin and he walked over, taking the spot beside her. He tossed an arm around the back of the loveseat and Ariel leaned back against him, observing the men pouring over a map spread out on the coffee table.

William looked up at them, eyebrows raised. "When were you going to tell us you got engaged?" He asked, hand braced on the table.

Ariel shrugged. "When I felt like it, seeing as how it doesn't concern you."

Lance raised an eyebrow. "Marrying the prince of one of the country's most opposed to our expansion doesn't concern the rest of your Lords?" He tsked, shaking his head. "Captain, we don't care that you're getting married, but a forwarning would have at least been considerate."

Ariel stared at him until he looked away, uncomfortable, then shrugged. "There's no point in debating what-if's now. What we need to be focusing on is the attack I'm sure King Triton is in the midst of planning right now."

"And whose fault is that?" William muttered.

Seb whipped his head around, aghast. "Who's fault? What about your men blowing our ship apart? Forcing this meeting a week early without informing us? Answer me that, Captain."

William was silent for a beat before muttering, "Declan defected. The Hollander fleet now sails alone."

"How did that happen?" Jora asked casually, sharpening one of his knives by the window.

William shifted uncomfortably, not quite making eye contact with anyone. "He did not want to support our new King and the general abolishment of piracy." Slowly his eyes raised to Ariel's and dipped his chin slightly. "I was firm in my support of your rule and your plans, Ariel. It..." He sighed, rubbing a hand across his face. "I didn't realize how weary I've grown of this tug-of-war for power. If we can end this peacefully, I want that. I want myself and my crew to live."

The rest of the room was shocked into silence at the pirate who had seemed the most against Ariel from the beginning pledging his unending loyalty to her. But Ariel, unfazed, leaned forward with her elbows braced on her knees. "But will you fight?"

He sat up straight, looking insulted she'd even asked. "I will always fight for what is right. I became a pirate for the same reason Edward Nott did, to fight for freedom and become my own master. If you call on me to fight, we will be there."

She didn't respond, just looked at each lord in turn who nodded their agreement and support. Despite the current shit storm they were sailing in, they would sail it together.

"Right then. Now that we're all on the same page, we need to plan a strategy. This attack isn't going to be an ambush, so let's plan this out. Strategize. Strengths, weaknesses, numbers, ammunition, I want to know it all. We're not leaving this room until there's no chance we lose."

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