Chapter 13

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Declan walked Eric two blocks from the bookstore, stopping every so often to wave to patrons or greet shop owners by name and a hearty handshake. It took them longer, but Eric didn't mind watching how well Declan worked the crowd. Eventually, he led them over to a bustling white-painted building covered in pink rose and honeysuckle vines. The smell of the blooming flowers was overpowering but was instantly overshadowed by the smell of spilled alcohol and the unwashed, sweaty bodies all pressed together inside the bar. 

Eric couldn't be worried about looking for Dauntless crew members when Declan grabbed his arm and used him as a human shield to approach what looked to be the only empty table in the place, right by an open window. He waved two fingers at a barmaid who appeared as though the word "top" was a suggestion, and sat them down on sticky stools. 

"So, Eric, what brought you to a bookstore on a pirate island?" Declan asked only after he had a drink in his hand. 

The prince took a cautious sip and shuddered at the bitter taste. "I could ask the same of you. But to answer, merely entertainment. Days are long on a ship." 

Declan nodded, eyes scanning the crowd. His back was to the corner, giving him the leverage of looking over the entire room before meeting Eric's eyes. He seemed prone to long, dramatic pauses when he spoke, but Eric didn't have much else to do so he didn't mind, it gave him time to study the other man. So far Declan just seemed like a cocky, self-assured pirate who held more command over this island than most men walking its streets. 

"Then why swim ashore?" Declan asked, leaning back and exposing his tanned chest. 

"Cheaper than a bath." 

Declan laughed again, his whole face lighting up with the effort. A few barmaids looked his way, batting their eyelashes at him. "You're a funny man, Eric. What crew are you sailing with? Bet I could offer you more to sail with me." 

Eric was about to respond, was about to lay everything out to this stranger when the osprey feathers in his hair swayed in the breeze, catching the light. It finally clicked in his head along with the blue beads why they seemed familiar. Christian's world map covered in wooden boats flashed in his head and Eric sat up straighter, gripping the mug so hard if it had been glass it might have shattered. 

"You're the Captain of the Hollander." 

Declan's grin turned savage and he raised his mug, tipping it in Eric's direction. "Funny and observant. And yet I still can't figure out who you are." He leaned forward and Eric had to fight to not lean back. He let Declan look at every square inch of his unremarkable face before finally leaning back in his stool, finger tapping on the table. "You're someone important, I can tell that much." 

The urge to jump out the window overwhelmed Eric but he shoved it down and fought to remain casual. Ariel's reputation was ruthless, but Declan's was downright terror. "So are you. As more than just a captain, you command a lot of men, a lot of the sea. It's impressive for someone so young." 

The flattery worked, deescalating the slowly building tension and Declan preened under it. "Over fifty ships and it didn't come easy. Second largest fleet in the Northern Sea and growing. A formidable opponent in the oncoming war, hmm?"

Eric's grip on his composure slipped, but the Prince inside him kept his spine straight. "I didn't say anything about a war." 

"You didn't shrink away from it either." Declan leaned forward again, but his gaze was more curious than menacing. "Who are you?" 

"Ah, our little pri-" 

Eric turned and found Flounder, Sebastian, and Jora all standing behind him looking beyond pissed. When they looked at who was sitting at the table with Eric their faces only darkened. 

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