Chapter 19

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Question for you lovely readers: would you rather have more chapters that are shorter, or less chapters but they're longer? I recognize some of these chapters are pretty long (longer than I usually write), but if the length isn't bothering you let me know that too. I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions! 

We're getting close to the halfway point! Thank you again for reading! <3

The entire crew met early the next morning to formally vote on the change of course and the extra one month at sea. Jora and Eric hauled breakfast below deck to the crew's quarters, setting out the usual breakfast spread on a table like a grand feast at the castle.

"Reminds me of those insufferable breakfasts with the lords father would bring in," Eric mumbled to Jora as the chef finished stacking up biscuits.

He snorted, stepping back to admire their handwork. "I hated those breakfasts. Stuck up, kiss-ass bastards all of them."

Eric choked out a laugh, covering his mouth quickly as a few heads turned to look at him.

"What's so funny?"

The pair turned to look at Sebastian, Flounder, and Ariel now finally joining the rest of the crew. It was cramped quarters for sure to have all 80 pirates in one space, but it was easier to hear everyone and gave it more of an official feel. At least, that's what Jora had told Eric when they were told to come down here.

"The breakfast reminds me of meals with the King and his lords and advisors," Eric admitted. He peered at Ariel's face closely, trying to see if she was looking at him any differently than she did before but the impassive look on her face was the same as always. "Jora called them all stuck up asses and I'm quite inclined to agree."

"You think we're as organized as a bunch of stocking lords?" Flounder teased, crossing his arms. He didn't seem to look at Eric any differently either. "I'm touched."

Eric bristled slightly, rolling back his shoulders and automatically straightening his spine. "No one wore stockings and no, I'm not comparing you to lords."

Seb raised an eyebrow. "You don't think a group of murderous pirates can be as civil and organized as your monarchy, prince?"

Oh, now people were looking at him. Looking at him angrily. Eric felt the color drain from his cheeks and he shook his head quickly. "No, that's not what I'm saying. You all-" He took a deep breath, looking around the room at all the different men gathered around. Short, tall, muscled, thin, black and tan and white, of all ages. Some were missing fingers, toes, ears, and hands. There was more diversity, more equality on this ship than Eric had ever seen in a board room or at a dinner table where his father was present. And the fact that it was now dawning on him made him frown. When he became King, he was going to have to change that.

"You all represent something I hope can one day be achieved by my court, in my country. Freedom and courage and judging a person not by how they look or speak, but by the actions of their character. Not... demanding loyalty but earning it. And never taking it for granted." His voice had gotten soft and almost wistful as he talked. As he pictured a ballroom filled with all the different people who lived in his kingdom from the dock workers and masons and seamstresses up to the lords and ladies who looked over them. Why, he wondered, has it taken us so long to get there?

When silence greeted his ears he looked at Jora who was giving him a small, knowing smile. It was a rant he'd heard before, many times, how the prince wished his court could be different. Flounder and Seb didn't look quite so moved, but they didn't look like they wanted to murder him anymore. And Ariel...

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