Chapter 5

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Three days later, Eric was sitting in the library when Celeste found him reading among the stacks in the afternoon. Jora was wandering around somewhere, gathering up maps and books about nautical exploration and navigation. 

"Prince Eric?" 

His head snapped up from being bent over a map of the western seas, the most recent he could find. "Yes?" He scanned Celeste's dress, a plum color with a tight silhouette that showed off her impressive figure. Yes, the Princess of Gormela was quite lovely. 

"May I join you?" She gestured to the chair next to him that Jora had been occupying but he nodded and she sat, delicately folding her skirts around her body. 

The past three days he and Celeste had spent a considerable amount of time together doing more of nothing. They'd strolled through the gardens, had tea, rode horses, played music and danced, and walked along part of the docks where the more pleasurable merchant ships docked. Celeste was kind and agreeable and pleasant enough to be around, but nothing in him burned at the sight of her. She no doubt knew of the marriage too. but had been polite enough not to bring it up. Until now. 

"I know you know about our... Arrangement, Prince Eric," she started. He leaned back in the chair, waiting for her to speak. His heart was pounding in his chest but he couldn't interrupt her. "But I wanted to talk to you about it before the ball tomorrow." 

"What about it?" He asked, crossing his hands over his knee. He was trying to appear relaxed, but anytime someone brought up the arranged marriage his shoulders tensed and a familiar throb beat against his temples. 

She gave him a relaxed smile and laid her hand delicately on his knee. "I know you don't want it." He opened his mouth to protest but she squeezed his knee and he closed it quickly. "But I also know how much you love your country. I love my country too, but I'm willing to marry you to save your people. And I'm assuming you want the same thing, which is why you've been so nice to me." 

This made him frown and lean forward, taking her hand off his knee to hold it in his palm. He was surprised that it was cold. "Lady Celeste, you mistake my kindness for something other than what it is. I am not a tyrant, I have no foil temper that comes out after a few drinks. I am nice to you because I like you. My mother raised me to be a gentleman, I'm not going to be some cold-hearted prick just because I disagree with a political arrangement." 

She smiled, one almost reflective of the cold smile her father gave him at their first dinner together. "I'm glad to hear that Eric. You don't seem like a bad guy either, which is why I think this marriage could work." 

"Why are you invested in this?" Eric asked, letting go of her hand. He spied Jora hovering in the stacks behind her, out of sight but observing should the prince need him. 

Celeste shrugged and stood, smoothing out her skirts. Max, who had been sleeping at Eric's feet under the table, nudged her for a head scratch which she obliged with a smile. "No reason of any value. I am my father's youngest child and daughter. I always knew my way in life would be the path to a political marriage." She stood from scratching Max and gave him a soft smile, iciness gone, and reached for his hand and squeezed it. "I'm glad though, that it would be with you. Have a pleasant rest of your afternoon." 

She breezed out of the room just as swiftly as she came in, closing the door softly behind her. Jora eased out of the shadows and set his armful of books on the table. "That was interesting." 

Eric snorted and rubbed Max's head. "At least we know who will take care of Max," he muttered. 

Jora sat down in the chair she'd just been occupying and pulled a book towards him about tropical flora and fauna. "Do you think her message was a threat or a warning?" 

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