Chapter 26

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They had two other crew members row them out to the dock jutting out of the island. Ariel was quiet the entire ride over, seated alone at the front of the dingy. Eric, seated alone in the back, watched her the entire time but she barely moved. Flounder and Seb bickered quietly, arguing over who was going to be there with the other lords and what side each lord may take. There was no mention of the southern seas lord and his crew.

When they docked, Eric's mouth dropped open at the massive staircase leading up the cliff. It was carved straight into the stone and wove between massive palm trees, stunning flora, and huge bushes so green Eric thought he'd never seen anything so vibrant.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Ariel asked beside him. "Wait until you see the house."

"You've been here before?"

"A few times with Edward. Look, Eric," Ariel sighed and turned to him, shoving her hands in the pocket of her own coat. It took Eric a second to realize it was almost matching to the one he was wearing. "Now that you know what happened I just..." She sighed and took off her hat, running her hand over the top of her head.

"This will sound condescending, but the Hands are meant to be seen and not heard unless addressed. They're a physical show of support and strength, but they don't have opinions. If you have something to say, you say it only to me."

Eric blinked down at her, not offended by the rules but a little surprised at her apologetic tone. "Ariel, I trust you to handle your own affairs. I'm not going to try and undermine you because I'm a Prince. You're a leader too, I won't overstep."

She let out a long breath and nodded, but Eric wasn't done. "As for Declan, I'll do my best to refrain from punching him in the face. That's your shot, not mine."

To his surprise, she laughed, drawing the attention of Seb and Flounder who had been helping the two men tie up the dingy. Her entire body eased and she shook her head, still grinning. Eric thought it was more beautiful than any blooming flower on the island.

"I'll let you know if you can or not. But thank you. Are you two ready?" Ariel looked at her first and second, placing the hat firmly on her head.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go on Cap'n, we're right behind you." Flounder pushed up and made his way over to them. Seb gave some last-minute instructions to the two crew members before hurrying after them.

Together, they walked up the staircase in a diamond-like pattern; Ariel at the front, Flounder and Seb to her left and right respectively, and Eric bringing up the rear.

They walked up over three hundred steps before the ground leveled out and turned into a gravel-lined path through a garden. There were stone benches and a few scattered fountains that had Eric wide-eyed at their majesty. When they rounded a corner, the mansion came into view and Eric swore, making Flounder laugh.

"Nicer than a castle, huh?" he teased.

Eric took in the black volcanic rock mansion, tall pillars, silver railings and balconies, and gave a numb nod. Vines wrapped up the pillars and pots of manicured hibiscus flowers lined the walkway, along with the occasional piece of furniture as they made their way around the home. All the windows were pushed open, letting the cool island breeze blow through the entire home. Eric didn't see anyone until they turned another corner and a maid in a white dress was waiting for them in front of an open french door.

She was older than Eric might have expected from someone working in the house on the cliffs. Her curly black hair was greying at the temples and there were lines on her face but they looked more like laugh lines than stress ones. She gave Ariel a smile when they approached and reached out for her hand, squeezing it in both of hers.

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