Chapter 42

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Jora, Flounder, and Seb all followed Ariel out of the meeting room but Eric hesitated, turning to look at Christian and Triton, who was sitting still in his chair with slightly reddened cheeks. 

"If you would like to discuss this further, send word to King Phillipe or Queen Valerie and we can arrange a meeting," he said softly. He looked briefly at his father who seemed five seconds from roping him back down into the chair and backed towards the door. "Think about the people who will be fighting. Think of all those who benefit from peace. And all those who lose from the violence. Good afternoon gentlemen, my Queen." He bowed to Valerie and Phillipe and hurried after Ariel. 

He caught up with her at the end of the hall, flanked by her crewmates as they followed a pair of guards who he hoped were leading them to their rooms. All five of them remained silent as they wound up three more flights of stairs, twisting down hallways before the guards pushed open a large set of double doors revealing a suite of rooms similar to the Pirate King's mansion. 

There were three doors, and the group paused, unsure where to go. One of the guards, the one who had shown Ariel her seat and stood in the room during the meeting, pointed to the far right door. "This was, uh, is your room, Your Highness. The other two rooms have been converted into guest bedrooms." 

"What were the rooms before?" Seb asked, eyeing the closed white wood doors with silver trim. 

"A playroom and study respectively." The guard glanced over their shoulder to the hallway they just walked in from and dared a small step toward Ariel. All three of the pirates met his step with a larger one, their hands flying to their weapons. Eric watched, focused more on Ariel's dissociation than one guard's foolish move. 

The poor man jumped, throwing his hands up and tripping backward. "I'm sorry, I should've thought. I just wanted to say, um, if I had to pick a side, I'd pick you." Ariel, who'd been staring off into the distance with near dead eyes, turned her head, focusing on him. He stood straighter, his confidence growing with her attention on him. "Your arguments make the most sense, and your passion for the cause is clear. The pirates deserve the chance, just like the rest of us. If they deny you, how are they any better than what they're claiming you to be?" 

Eric saw Ariel's body relax by only a fraction. A muscle in her jaw ticked and she gave the man, perhaps no older than them, a small nod. "Thank you..." 

"James," he supplied with a shy smile. 

"Thank you, James. I appreciate it more than you know. Should anyone come to these suites, speak to me first before admitting them to my rooms." She turned, heading for the right door. Her hand snaked out and clasped Eric's, dragging him with her. 

"And the King and Queen?" James asked. 

Ariel paused with her hand on the door. "They may be admitted." Without another word she pushed into the suite, leaving her crew to figure out their rooming arrangement on their own. 

Eric closed the door softly behind them and beheld the room, once Ariel's nursery it no longer resembled a room for a little girl but a grown woman. Everything was colored in different shades of blue from teal to turquoise, to cerulean and sapphire. Silver accents complimented the space, along with soft creams and whites. They were standing in a small sitting room accompanied by a desk and several bookshelves that flowed into a bedroom and then a small bathroom. Ariel took it all in with tired eyes and let out a long sigh. 

"I'm going to take a bath." She moved towards the far left door, opening it and stepping inside. Eric paused to admire the bookshelves, but it was the open windows that drew his attention. Stepping forward, he opened one and stuck his head out. Ariel's bedroom overlooked the gardens straight over the town, right down to the sea. He could see the barricade and the place the Dauntless had fallen, but he also saw an endless blue sky. He sucked in a deep breath, propping his elbows on the windowsill and letting his head fall into his hands. 

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