Chapter 40

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I apologize for the long wait! I felt the story getting away from me and I didn't want to publish anything half-assed or that didn't fit the story/characters. Thank you for being patient and I hope you enjoy!

Just as fast as their gazes landed, they slid off the new Pirate King to rest on Eric. King Phillipe stepped forward first, an annoyed look on his face. "What is the meaning of this? Prince Eric, what the hell are you doing barging in here making such wild demands that dragged the Queen and I from a meeting?"

It was the most emotion Eric had ever heard from the man. When he and his father visited, Phillipe had been quiet, demure, bordering on apathetic. Now he looked downright angry. Which was when Eric noticed the mourning black he and Queen Valerie both wore. It was tradition for royals to wear black during the mourning of a loved one during a special event or occasion. A meeting of Kings and Lords would certainly warrant the colors, even if it had been twenty-one years.

A countdown that would end today.

He dipped his chin and stepped to the side, giving them a clearer, more direct view of Ariel. She stood straight backed in the dead center of the throne room, facing her parents like she was facing an armada. "Arranging a meeting," he answered.

Their gaze switched between them, anger melting to confusion. They looked at Ariel, assessing; her pants, the muddy boots, the weapons. He prayed that the Diamrem's saw what he did. A strong, confident, powerful, and beautiful woman ready to take charge and lead.

Queen Valerie stepped to her husband's side, eyes narrowed in suspicion. Eyes the same color as Ariel's, framed by the same red hair, greying at the temples. "You are pirates." Her hand floated down to her waist and Eric was surprised to see a belt and sheath resting against the folds of her skirt. Like mother like daughter.

"If you're in cahoots with the prince and have come here to rob us again, take what you want, but you leave my husband and our people alone." Her tone was cold and harsh, leaving little room to negotiate.

It should have intimidated him, but Eric felt a smile pull at the corners of his lips as he looked at Ariel. "Well, Ariel, now I know where you get your defensive streak from."

She barely glanced at him as her hand dipped into the bag. "I told you, I don't like stories where women rely on men." Her voice was steady, sure and calm. She pulled out the box with her tiara and rattle, her knuckles white as she gripped it. "I guess it's genetic."

Phillipe was the first to react. His shoulders tensed as he looked between the five of them. "What do you mean genetic? It... You couldn't be..."

Eric gave a small nod and stepped to Ariel's side, laying a hand on the small of her back in silent support. She was trembling slightly as she took a deep breath. "My name is Ariel Athena Diamrem Nott. I-I am your daughter." Her voice cracked but her stance didn't falter, her gaze didn't break.

The King blinked at her. The Queen frowned and looked at Eric. "Your father has been looking for you," she said suspiciously.

It felt like a slap. Ariel jerked in his grip and he glared at the King and Queen. "I'm sorry, how is this relevant?" Eric snapped. "Your daughter walks into your throne room 21 years after she was kidnapped from this very castle, and you're more concerned about who I am?"

Ariel shook her head and fumbled to put the box back in her bag. "I knew it. I knew this was a mistake." The straps failed to obey under her shaking hands and she shoved the box into Eric's chest. Her face was turning redder by the second and she spun on her heel, waving to her crewmates to follow her to the door.

Valerie stepped forward, reaching out a hand to stop Ariel as she walked past. They were almost the same height, but with the heels the Queen wore she had an inch or two on her daughter. Next to each other, it was unmistakable that they were related. "Ari. Je ne t'ai vu qu'en rêve," she whispered. I have only seen you in my dreams.

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