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Hurrying outside, the four of them rushed towards the makeshift carpark around the side of the Academy. Diego's car was missing, Bea noticed, which made his seemingly random use of an ice cream truck all the more understandable. The only vehicle left available, aside from her Harley - which Bea was increasingly grateful was still there - was the car that Five had been utilising since his return. As they drew closer to the vehicle in question, Five and Diego spoke at the same time, whilst both reaching for the door handle.

"I'll drive."

"I'll drive."

The two men instantly let go of the object as their hands made contact, acting as though they had been burned simply by each other's touch. Five, pinching his brow, turned sharply towards his brother. "This is my car, Diego, so I think I'll drive it."

Diego scoffed, folding his arms across his toned chest. "It was our father's car - not yours. If you think I'm going to let you-"

"Do we really have time for this?" Bea said, voice raising above Diego's as she cut him off from over his shoulder. "I thought you said Allison was in danger!" she added, accusatorily. In response Diego spun around slowly, rolling his eyes and shifting his weight to his other leg. The two of them had still not made up since their earlier fights; Bea was angry and deeply hurt that Diego had blamed her in part for Patch's death, let alone the fact that he clearly wasn't willing to hear her side of the story. Diego, on the other hand, was currently so full of strong and conflicting emotions that he had yet to properly register how much he had upset his sister, especially his cold and biting remarks. Keeping her gaze on him, Bea continued, sunset eyes burning holes through his deep, chocolate ones. "Why the hell are we wasting time arguing about who gets to drive?" 

What neither of them had noticed, however, was the fact that Five was no longer standing on the other side of Diego. Instead, he was waiting impatiently in the driver's seat, hands on the steering wheel and knee bouncing in anticipation. As he pressed the car's horn, a shrill sound echoing around the empty alleyway, Bea jumped, immediately darting her gaze towards the source of the noise. "When did you-?" she started to question before her favourite brother cut her off.

"Get in!" Five barked. 

Not having to be told twice Klaus, who up until this point had remained uncharacteristically silent, stepped around his girlfriend and his brother to the other side of the car, wrenching the front passenger side door open. "Shotgun!" he called, laughing as he all but fell inside. As he settled himself down in his seat, he noticed Five was looking at him strangely, his youthful face contorted in mild disappointment and disdain. "What?" Klaus muttered, blinking, unfazed by the boy's expression.

"You're a child," Five said simply, turning around to face out of the car's back window. "Will you two hurry it up? You can scream at each other later for all I care."

Subtly rolling her own orange eyes, Bea stepped around Diego, opening the car door that formerly resided between them. "After you," she said politely, allowing a small but sarcastic smile to appear on her pretty face. Diego said nothing, shaking his head as he lowered himself into the car, sliding over so that he sat behind Klaus and made room for Bea to follow. 

Once they were all comfortably in, Five started up the vehicle. "So," he began, "where to?"

"I know exactly where Allison went," Diego confessed, leaning forward between the two front seats. "But before we go there we need to pick up Luther."

Five nodded. "I agree - we all need to be together if we're going to stop this thing." Sparing a glance towards the back seat, he asked the very question that Bea was thinking. "Where is he, by the way?"

The Flood // the umbrella academy [Klaus]Where stories live. Discover now