t w e n t y . s i x

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After hearing the news about Five's condition from Allison, Bea was torn. Her heart said to stay at the Academy and wait for the others to return, so that she could check for herself that he was going to be alright. That and the minor detail that she could very easily heal his wound, as she had done to the bullet graze he received earlier in the week. Sure, the effort that would be required for her to heal such a deep injury would be colossal and render her drained of energy for a little while, but the result would be worth it.

On the other hand, Bea's head told her to be sensible and focus on the problem that she was currently dealing with - Luther. She knew, deep down, that Five was just as safe with Allison as he was with her and that Allison would be able to treat his wounds when they returned to the Academy. Not as effectively as Bea could but certainly enough to stabilize him. Therefore she should really be concentrating on finding the drunk giant and ensuring he was not only safe, but also not causing issues for any unsuspecting bystanders.

Turning to face Klaus, who was still clutching her by the arms, Bea made up her mind. "W-we need to find Luther. He could be anywhere by now."

Klaus nodded, moving his grasp from Bea's forearms to her hands. "Yeah," he mumbled. "Good idea."

Holding his hands tightly in an automatic response, Bea subconsciously stepped closer to the man in front of her, needing his comfort as the stress-levels in her body rose. "Where do we even start?"

"Well," Klaus paused, suddenly looking guilty and uncomfortable. "He said he wanted to be more like me. My guess is we need to...hit up the clubs."

It was clear to Bea that Klaus was struggling through an internal battle. She knew that he was coming down from a high and facing serious narcotic withdrawal, so going into any nightclub would be like torture for him. Especially since they would be filled to the brim with temptations. Moving one of her hands, she cupped his cheek lightly. "Klaus," she said, drawing his attention. "I know this is going to be hard for you. If it's too much I can go by myself-"

"No!" Klaus interrupted, momentarily shocking Bea. His voice became smaller as he frowned, expression akin to a kicked puppy. "Please don't leave me on my own." 

"Okay, okay, I won't," the redhead promised, tone soothing. "Are you sure you're going to be okay in there though?"

Klaus perked up, falsely wanting to reassure Bea that he was faring better than he really was. "Me? I'll be fine!" His response prompted an uncertain look from his girlfriend. "Honestly, Red, with you by my side I'm golden. Promise." Leaning forward, Klaus kissed her tenderly before turning towards the door, pulling Bea along by her hand.


Just over an hour later, the sun had firmly set as a blanket of night covered the city. Bea and Klaus had visited several establishments, all of which they desperately wished to forget, and had so far neither seen nor heard any mention of their missing Number One. A chill set in the air, and Bea was glad that she had been wearing a jacket as they left the Academy. Klaus, however, was wearing only a tank top. His body was cold to the touch as Bea held onto him, her arm hooked around his, yet a light sheen of sweat covered him from head to toe. He's not looking so good, she thought to herself. In her mind, she felt guilty for dragging him around on a wild goose chase when he was so clearly unwell. Yet, she convinced herself that keeping him moving and distracted would be good for him in the end. 

In Klaus' mind, he really wasn't coping. Not only was he dealing with the physical symptoms of withdrawal, but he was also having to deal with the annoying voice of his brother constantly in his ear, telling him what a good job he was doing. At any other time this might have been a good thing; today, however, Klaus needed the silence of the night to keep him sane. "Would you shut up for one goddamn minute?" he suddenly shouted, startling Bea.

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