n i n e

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It was warm where she lay. Warm and comforting. She dreamt of nothing as she slept - a side effect of excessive alcohol consumption. In her unconscious state, Bea felt more at peace than she had in a long time. No memories of the previous night's escapades floated around her skull; instead simply a fuzzy but pleasant feeling. She could recall leaving Five and Vanya behind, but the reason why escaped her at this moment in time. The only phrase she could hear and visualise clearly was 'eight days'...eight days?  What was happening in eight days?  

As her consciousness slowly began to rouse itself she dwelled on that phrase. It frustrated her to no end that she just couldn't remember what additional information it connected to. Something to do with Five? With her? With the family? 

Her eyes slowly began to tear themselves open. She winced as the bright midday sunlight streamed in through a crack in the antique curtains, blinding her momentarily. Her hand moved to rub them, aiming to ease the pain behind her orange orbs. What she didn't account for, however, was the feeling of a smooth chest beneath her palm.

In a flash she was awake, alert and staring at a half naked Klaus, who lay beneath her. 

He was mumbling in his sleep, muttering a soft 'no' over and over again. Suddenly, in a state of panic, he pushed himself up into a seated position, launching his arms out and throwing his feet down to the ground. As a consequence of this, the woman who had been reclining on him was unceremoniously flung (albeit it accidentally) off of the sofa and onto the hardwood below.

Klaus rubbed his face with both hands, peering through them after a second at the woman who was now in front of him. "Phoebe?" he asked in confusion.

"Ow..." was all Bea could say as she lay there, back to the floor. She made no attempt to move from where she had been thrown a second earlier. 

"What in the-" Klaus paused, smiling cheekily as his eyes roamed over her. His next words were spoken in an almost seductive manner. "Why were you on top of me just now, Red? Especially dressed like that."

Bea took a moment to look down at herself, fearing the worst. She was relieved to see that she was covered; albeit it less than she remembered. Dressed in a pair of (she assumed) Klaus' old, grey sweatpants and her black bra, she blushed, looking up at the man. "Like you're dressed any better," she chided. If he was trying to embarrass her she'd beat him at his own game.

Klaus was indeed more scantily clad than his nap partner - wearing nothing but a small pair of brightly coloured briefs. He, unfortunately for her, was not easily embarrassed. "Like you're complaining," he said, a wink gracing his handsome face. 

Now completely flustered by a mere bat of his eye, Bea thrust her hand out towards him, refusing to look him in his green eyes. "Are you going to help me up, or just leave me on the floor?"

Taking her hand, Klaus pulled her up off the ground and towards himself. Interestingly, the remanence of the drugs and alcohol in his system gave him strength that neither of them were anticipating; as he pulled on her arm she ended up flush against him, chest to chest. In order to steady herself from the sudden motion, Bea had grabbed Klaus around the waist, an action he didn't miss. To help steady her, Klaus had placed both of his hands on her arms.

"Hey," he whispered, smiling down at her.

"Hey," she whispered back, dropping her hands from his sides. In response he lowered his, moving to cross them over his chest. Despite their actions, neither of the two moved any further away from each other.

Trying to ease the tension, Bea spoke. "D-do you remember anything...from last night?" she asked, hesitantly.

"Uhh..." He looked over her shoulder to his right before turning back to her. "I ran into you at a club."

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