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"We want what you want, to kill the King,"

Those damn words kept me awake. 

I guess it's a good thing.

No more dreams.

"Rise and shine," Namjoon said as he walked into my room.

"It's barely sunrise," I said squinting at him.

"And you barely slept," He responded and threw me my uniform, "You're officially one of us. Now, get dressed. We have a long day ahead of us," He was about to leave my bunker before I stopped him.

"W-wait... What am I going to do about my scar? People in town know my face now. I'm a wanted man," 

"No worries, a little make-up can make that scar of yours look like it was never there," He winked at me.

I guess I'm one of them now.


I stepped out of my bunker, a bit embarrassed of the uniform I wore. I can't believe I'm wearing the uniforms of King's officers. I'm disgusted but it's part of the job.

I heard a whistle come from behind me, "Well would ya look at that. We got ourselves a newbie in the group," A women's voice called out.

I quickly turned around to see-

"What the fuck! What are you doing here-"

"Surprised?" The girl that I saved the other day from that pervert said.

"Y-You work for Namjoon?!" I said still in shock.

"Actually, he works for me," She smirked, knowing she surprised me, "What? Did you think I was some weak village girl in need of saving?" She rested the back of her hand onto her head and pretended to be weak.

"It was a set-up champ. A set up to find your ass," She pressed her long finger onto my chest.

Shock still squeezed at my vocal cords, enabling me to speak.

"Pfft, you're cute," She laughed at my inability to comprehend that she was our leader, "Now get to work, the rest of the group is waiting for you to do that stupid ceremony they have for new recruits," She walked away calmly.


"There he is! Mister... Uh... Yoongi!" Jimin announced as I walked in the main room that was full of weapons.

"Say what's your surname man?" Jimin walked over to me and whispered.

"I don't know," I said truthfully.

"You don't know!?" He looked at me in shock, "Alright well... we'll just call you Yoongi then. I'm Park Jimin," He proudly stated.

"Yeah, the short 'officer' that pushed me around yesterday," I said.

"HAHAHHA HE CALLED YOU SHORT~" A loud boy with a smile in the shape of a heart laughed his ass off.

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