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We got back to our bunkers after a long day of doing nothing. 

Useless... But it's what we must do.

"Welcome back boys," Namjoon smiled at us, "How was the first day?"

"We didn't do anything yet I'm so tired," J-hope slumped into one of the beds.

"Ahh... That's Captain Min for you," He chuckled to himself.

"Don't any of you find it odd?" I asked and they looked at me and raised an eyebrow, "I mean... Captain Min... Her name, her position as chief... It's just-"

"Curiosity kills the cat," Captain Min entered the room, "Yoongi, a word please," She beaconed me to follow her.


I followed her down the hallway and into her other office which was a little more messy and unorganized compared to her Chief of Officers office.

"Sit," She said and gestured to a foldable chair.

I sat, she looked at me dead in the eyes.

We stayed like this for a while, I didn't dare to move.

"I understand why you are so suspicious of me," She finally said, "Everyone on this team has been weary of me at some point. Whether it be my surname, my position, or just because I'm a 'little bitch'," Her hands were tucked, arms folding into a cross.

"Yoongi, this team is based off of trust. We've been through highs and lows together and accomplished so much because of trust. If you can't trust that I am doing what I can to achieve all of our goals, then I'm not sure if I can trust you to do your job either,"

"Am I being fired?" I asked.

"No, I'm not firing you..." She lightly chuckled, "Once you're in the team, you can never go out. That's one of our biggest rules to insure no one rats us out. And well... I can't let you go so easily. You're the best thing that's happened to this team. You've finally given us the hope that we can actually do what we've been planning for years,"

I looked down at my feet.

All this time I've been focusing on whether I should trust her or not, the whole team has been working hard. It's my first day but I already feel like I'm even more pathetic than before. 

At least back then I was actually doing something... Now I'm just here.

"I-I'm sorry..." I said quietly, "I'm sorry that I didn't trust you sooner and have faith in the process. I'm no more than an average village boy for not understanding how much dedication you all put into this. I am no one to be praising. Forgive me,"

"Pfft, when did you become so polite and eloquent? I forgive you dumbass. Now get out of my office, I have work to do. Get some rest, we have more work tomorrow,"

I got up and to exit out of her office, but I couldn't help but notice a glimmering hairpiece that laid on her desk.

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