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"Captain Min?" I couldn't contain myself. 

I stepped out of the fog and revealed myself to her.

Her eyes widened and she shielded her face from me.

"Captain Min I-"

She began to run.

She ran inside the palace and I chased her.

Rushing down the corridors and halls of the palace until we reached a room. 

She threw the doors open and tried to close them but I stopped the door from slamming in my face.

"Captain! Wait I-"

"Shhhhh!" She told me, lips pursing. She looked around afraid if anyone heard.

"...C-Come in, quickly," She said hesitantly but pulled me in the room by my shirt.

She closed the door behind us and huffed out shaking breathes.

"Captain Min what's going on? Did you plan to spy this late in the night? What's with that disguise?"

"Oh will you stop with the questions?" She interrupted, "You might wake someone," She said and slumped onto a giant bed, coated in red fluffy blankets and a gold frame.

I looked around the room timidly. 

It was a bedroom... 

"Why... did you come here?" I began to grow suspicious of her.

She sighed, "I guess you have to know the truth now huh?" 

I raised an eyebrow.

She got up from the bed and twirled around the room, "Look around Yoongi. Look at me," She walked up close to me, only a few inches away and tilted her head.

"You're smart. Figure it out,"

"Y-You're royalty...?" I asked.

She smirked and walked away from me to a golden dresser in the large bedroom. She opened the top drawer and pulled out a framed picture.

She handed it to me.

"That's me," She pointed her long index finger at a little girl, dressed in a traditional Korean dress, "And that's my father," 

I looked closer at the man who's lap she sat on.

Then I saw those eyes. Eyes of a killer. 

"King Min..." I said in awe.

"Yup..." She sighed as she looked at the picture, "So you gonna tell the rest of the group or what? I mean, you already had a suspicion right? You probably already told them your theories," She swayed over to her dresser and placed the picture back inside the drawer.

"I- I'm still shocked," I said, breath hitching slightly, "I didn't think that... The King is y-your father,"

"Well believe it," She said, "But... I need to get one thing straight," She became serious and indicated me to sit down.

"Me being the King's daughter, or princess of this kingdom, doesn't make me not want to kill my father any less. I may be royalty, but it doesn't automatically make me a greedy, unjust, and cruel princess. I may hold the Min royalty name, but I am not my father. I want him gone. I want him to pay for what he's done. But I'm worried..."

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