Part 8

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It's weird, being in the Akatsuki. It's like being in a family. A weird fucked up  family full of serial killers-but a family. We had no one else to rely on besides eachother, and ourselves. In the end we are human, we have emotions and each one of us understood that. A bunch of misfits,no, outcasts joined as one. Sometimes I can't help but wonder what things would've been like for all of us, if our pasts never happened. Would I have a boyfriend? Would I be loved? Have a family? What would I be doing right now? I love to think about it, but it hurts to think about it. It's not reality, and every morning i'm awoken by the harsh truth known as my life. 

"Are you ready?" Kakazu asks standing and glaring at me from above. 

"Do I look ready?" I ask rolling over. 

"Do I look like I have patience?" He asks. I peek an eye at him and shut it. 

"Does it look like I care?" I respond. I see his eye twitch in annoyance and let out a little smile. "You guys are so easy to bug. Of course I'm ready," I stand up dressed and put my cloak on. "When aren't I?" 

"When aren't I" Hidan mimicks walking after me, "trying to act all fucking cool." 

Before I can respond all I can see is black, and hear a dull thud. 

                                                          And then I wake up. 

In chains with several anbu carrying me and I see those fucking gates. The most fucking dreaded gates. Of Kohona. 

Don't Apologize - Konohamaru's sister SequelWhere stories live. Discover now