Part 12

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The picture of haru won't link for some reason. It's in the first story though. 

*3rd person pov*

Team Kakashi was being lead to the cell Haru was being held in. Not a word was said between the three.  

"Unlock it," Tsunade said to the guards. They nodded. Haru glanced up and saw Kakashi and the team walk in. She was to tired to answer, to drained. 

"Haru," Naruto began. He walked closer to the shackled girl.

"Don't get to close, she's dangerous," the guard said staring at Naruto. 

"She wouldn't hurt me," Naruto said getting closer. Naruto squatted in front of Haru. "Haru," he said. She just glanced at him. 

"She looks tired, drained. Has she had anything to eat? Why is she shackled? Her chakra seems way to low," Sakura rambled to Tsunade and the guard. Before the two could reply Naruto cut them off. 

"I want to explain. So, just listen." Naruto began. "The night of your birthday. . . We were planning a surprise party for you. Which is why everyone was busy, and we were rude. We were just trying to get you off our back to surprise you. Everyone, including your Grandpa. Well . . . Not your family wait-your brother yes. But -"

"We didn't betray you Haru, you were-are our family. Please forgive us," Sakura finished pushing Naruto out of the way. 

'They didn't? It was a surprise party for me?' Haru thought. 'But they might be lying. They might just be saying that to get me to spill secrets about the Akatsuki. But then that would also mean that Itachi was lying to me that night and he was just using my emotions as an in to get me.' 

"You're lying," Haru said hoarsely. 

"No, we aren't. We just forgot to tell you to meet us," Naruto said while sweatdropping. Haru looked him in the eyes. 

"I'm a monster. Stop lying," Haru said. 

"No. You aren't. Sasuke told us you use genjutsu and a mask a long time ago. We respected your decision and wanted you to show us when you were ready," Sakura said. "I shouldn't have said those things to you. I'm sorry. But please Haru, please believe us." 

"Aya," Naruto whispered. Haru just glanced down. Naruto and Sakura looked at each other. 

"I was always jealous of you," Sakura said. Haru's eyes widen. "You, Naruto... Sasuke. You guys were always so far ahead of me. I felt useless like I had nothing to contribute. I couldn't compete against you."

"What?" Haru breathed. 

"You were nice, always knew what to say. Funny. Outgoing. Strong." Sakura said. "What was there not to be jealous of. It was because of you I wanted to make myself stronger. You encouraged me and told me that I'd be fine, protected. Told me I had a talent for chakra control. When we first met I was rude to you, just trying to sit beside Sasuke because your seat was next to him. But after getting to know you, you were-are. You are still my best friend." Sakura said. Haru's genjutsu ran out and she changed back to what she considered her monstrous form. Alien shaped upturned eyes that were dark red on the outside and white closer to the centre. No pupils were seen in her eyes. A blue jewwel incrested in the middle of her forhead. 2 heavy scars always filled with blood across her nose and right jaw. Her left side lighter scars mimicking whiskers. And lastly un-naturally red lips. (Pic from first story). Haru's hair turned black and faded into silver at the bottom.  "Your mask is gone," Sakura stated, she put her hand on Haru's cheek and lifted it up tears filling both of the girl's eyes. Everyone held their breath as they saw Haru's true face.


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