Part 11

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*Haru's POV*

All my strength is gone, I can feel it. My genjutsu for my face isn't going to last very long. I don't care anymore. I don't want to be alive anymore. I just want to end it. End me. End my pain, end my suffering. I'm done. Once everyone see's me, I'll be a monster again.


"Why." Kakashi asked me. "Why did you leave?" I let out a little chuckle.

"As if you don't know sensei," I spat out hatred evident in my eyes. " I heard what you said about me. I heard what you did. What you guys said to me on my birthday." my mouth wouldn't stop I couldn't stop talking, "YOU FORGOT ABOUT ME! I LOVED YOU I LOVED ALL OF YOU AND YOU BETRAYED ME! CALLED ME A MONSTER! TOLD ME TO DIE!" I screamed tugging at my chains. "I HATE YOU I HATE YOU ALL I HATE YOU! I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FAMILY!" 


"NO YOU DON'T GET TO SAY MY NAME. YOU DON'T GET TO SPOUT BULLSHIT AND APOLOGIZE AND SAY YOU DIDN'T DO IT! YOU DON'T GET TO SAY ANYTHING. ANYTHING! MY PARENTS." I screamed. "You knew," my voice cracked. "They locked me in a cellar every day all day for years. They hated me screamed at me for being a monster. . . being different." IMy voice cracked.

"Monster?" Tsunade asked. 

"You guys were all I had. All that kept me sane." I finished. "Leave." I stated. 

"Haru-" Kakashi began to say

"LEAVE!" I screamed tugging at the chains causing rubble to fall. 

*Flashback over* 

That took way more out of me then it should've. I see the anbu standing there stealing glances at me. Ah. What a sight to see. The pathetic girl chained. Using jutsu to cover her face. A prisoner. 

*3rd person POV* 

"We have Haru in our possesion-" Tsunade began to say.

"WHERE?" Naruto screamed. Sakura had tears in her eyes and held her mouth. "I have to see her! I have to talk to her-"

"No, she's an enemy-"

"BECAUSE WE MADE HER!" Naruto screamed. "She's not! She's kind. Caring. Sensitive. She was-is my bestfriend. She was my first friend. She stood up for me when no one would, always made sure I was included and we laughed. We laughed together. She understood me. In ways no one can. And she does." Naruto's voice cracked. "We just. We wanted to throw her a surprise party on her birthday. So we all distanced ourselves. Said things we should'nt have. If we didn't. . . If we had told her, she'd still be here. Please. I can get her back I know I can, I know we can.Just. . . Just let me see her." Naruto concluded tears springing to his eyes. Tsunade sighed while staring at the boy's eyes. 

"Fine. But if she get's aggressive you leave." Tsunade said. 

"Before we go," Kakashi said. "She seem's to think we betrayed her. We've done other thing's. Someone must have lied to her and influenced her while she was in a vulnerable state. We need to get her to listen to what actually happened that day." Kakashi stated.  "Even then, it's no gaurentee she will come back." 

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