Part 6

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'Why are they like this? Why do they do this? I can't believe I had to run into them of all people. THEM! I hate them.

I hate them

I hate them

I hate them, I hate them, I hate them, I hate them! Every last one of them can all die! All of them. Preaching their bullshit beliefs but not backing them up. It's. It's.'  Haru's mind screams with hostility. She scrunches her fist glaring at the rock ahead.

"Bullshit!" She shrieks pucnhing the rock into millions of tiny blades impaling everything and anything. The remaining  pieces scatter on the floor with a sharp thud, the room seems quiet, sad, hollow. Empty.  "Bullshit," Haru's shouts get louder, " Bullshit," and louder, "Bullshit," and louder. "BULLSHIT!" Abruptly stopping she embraces the last echo allowing the piercing sound to ring, and reverberate through the room. The dull ringing remaining in her ears longer then she would like to admit, although she didn't hate it. This pain was nothing compared to what she suffers everyday. 

"Are you done?" Kakazu asks leaning against the wall sparing her a mere glance from the money in his hand. 

"Jashin, your melt down lasted for-fucking-ever," Hidan crosses his arms sighing. Both were told by Pein that Deidara and Sasori didn't make it, and that Haru didn't know.  So the leader and Konan told the men to bring Haru on a mission and break it to her lightly. Why them? They did not know. 

'Damn, why couldn't Itachi and Kisame do this? I don't fucking want to,' Hidan thought. 

"Fuck off Hidan," Haru glares, "what do you want?" 

"A mission," Kakazu states. 

" I wanted to tell the bitch!" Hidan yells. 

"When do we leave?" She asks. 

"10 minutes, be ready," Kakazu pushes himselff off the wall and walks away. Haru starts throwing knifes at a nearby post. 

"Hey! Don't you both fucking ignore me!" Hidan yells. He growls and looks between Kakazu and Haru then sighs irritably. "Listen here Haru," Hidan begins, "Lord Jashin requires sacrifices, blood and pain in exchange for power. All his followers do it although it may take a fucking tole on them, some betray, kill themselves,play games- the fucking pussies to get out of the deal because their mind collapses. So Lord Jashin being the kind, wonderful, amazing-"

"Get on with it," Haru throws a knife into his stomach. 

"You stupid fucking bitch! I was just trying to say I'm here for you," Hidan growls. Haru's eyes widen in surprise.

'Here for me? He's. . . Here for me. No one. No one has ever said that to me, and meant it.' She thought, she looked into his eyes. 

"And so is Lord Jashin," Hidan continued. She sweatdropped at the man. 

"Go back to Kakazu he's probably wondering where you are," Haru says coldly. 

"Jeez, jeez okay bitch," Hidan rolls his eyes. 

Haru watches the man walk away with an unrecognizable expression in her face. 

A smile. 

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