Part 13

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*Haru's POV*

The Hokage let me out of my cell under the condition Kakashi watches me and I stay with him at all times. Along with other anbu watching me. Of course I agreed, and I became a leaf ninja again. My ranking was set to jonin because of how strong I am, thank god I don't have to go through all the tests again. That'd be kind of embarrassing. Being my age and a genin. .. . 

I ended up telling them all I know about the Akatsuki, how we all split up and where our hideout has been for the last couple years that I've been with them. However, I doubt they are still there considering I got captured. I think? How did I even get here? Whatever. I hate myself for misunderstanding what actually happened. I could've made more memories here the last couple years. So much. I could've done so much. . . But I just left. 

"Stop feeling guilty Haru," Kakashi said. "It's not your fault." I looked at him. He had given me a black mask and I put my genjutsu back on so that I look like a normal human being again. Who other's knew as Haru. 

"Are you sure, I can't help but-"

"Yes, you are here now and that's all that matters. You are back. You are a part of team 7, always have and always will be." Kakashi responded while patting my head. 

"But how will I explain myself to everyone else?" I asked. Kakashi opened his pervy book. 

"They will understand, if anything they will be happy to have you back." 

"But I changed-"

"Everyone changed." He responded. 

"It kind of sucks you have to be everywhere with me. That means I can't talk to them alone. That's kind of awkward." I said blushing and holding my cheeks between my hands. 

"You'll get used to it. Here I'll disappear and stalk you," Kakashi said doing a close-eyed smile. 

"I'll stalk you," I mimicked with a small laugh as he disappeared. Could I really come back? Be accepted? I've done things, really bad things. Inhumane things. How can I come back from that? I stand still and don't move. Stop. Stop. Stop getting in your head. You're happy! You're back! That's all that matters it was a misunderstanding. You're happy and back with your family. So. . . What do I do now? Who should I see first? It's very early so maybe. . . I know exactly where he will be.

*Third person pov* 

Konohamaru pants as he glares at Naruto. 

"Come on Naruto, can't I have a break? Pleaaassseeeeee," he drags out.

"Fine," Naruto sighs. Naruto glances at the sky thinking about what happened the other day. 'I have to convince Grandma Tsunade to let her out believe it!' He thinks. 

Haru steps over a bush and glances from behind a tree at the duo. Tears fill her eyes as she glances at her younger brother Konohamaru. The one who had always accepted her and loved her. She watched as him and Naruto trained for roughly another hour. 

"It's getting late Konohamaru, want to get some ramen?" Naruto asked smiling. Haru smiled. 

"YES!" Konohamaru jumped up. Haru went to walk away but stepped on a branch breaking it. Kakashi sweatdropped while watching from above. 

"Who's there?" Naruto yelled grabbing a kunai. 

'Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.' Haru thought. Naruto started to walk to where she was. 

"Me!" Haru yelled. "Just me!" She poked her head out from behind the tree. Konohomaru's eyes widened. 

"Haru?" He asked. Haru walked out from the bushes. 

"Aya! You got out of the cell? How? That's awesome I-" Naruto began to say walking over to her excitedly. 

"Haru!" Konohomaru screamed launching himself at her. He started to sob, snot getting all over her. Her eyes filled with tears as she hugged her younger brother. 

"Konohamaru," she whispered hugging him tighter. Naruto smiled. 

"I missed you! Where were you? Where did you go?" he sobbed. Naruto looked down sadly, briefly wishing he had a family. Haru looked at him and opened her arms for Naruto. Naruto beamed and hugged the two. 

"I'm here, I'm back. And I'm not leaving," she whispered holding the two as if her life depended on it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2022 ⏰

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