Part 10

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3rd pov

A low chuckle comes from the chained girl. Her neck barely dripping blood. Her body more than relaxed, leaning forward. She almost gives off a sign of defeat. 

"My statement stands. Who. The. Fuck. Are you?" She glares. Tsunade hardens her eyes and sighs. 

"I am the current Hokage, and we have some questions for you," she begins to say. 

"And I don't have the answers," Haru interrupts. 

"Why you-" a jonin begins. Before he could finish his sentence Haru sticks her tongue out revealing a purple seal. "A seal."

"Damnit!" Tsunade growls. 

"It prevents her from talking," another glared. 

"Then we cut her tongue off," the jonin suggested.

"No. Torture her until she tells the information. Torture her until she reveals it and dies." 

"No," the Hokage spoke up. "We find someone to remove the seal." 

"You won't find someone who will be able to remove the seal," the chained girl smiles to herself while looking at the ground. 

"What do you mean?" 

"It's a special type of justsu that only the person who inflicted it can remove." She responded. 

"And who gave it to you?"  Tsunade asked.

'I gave it to myself stupid bitches. All that it does really is seal a sword, but they don't need to know that.' She thought. 

"The leader of the Akatsuki." She replied curtly. 

"Tch, we are done here." Tsunade glared about to leave. 

"Wait, I have a question." A silver-headed jonin walked into the cage.

'Kakashi-sensei?' Haru's eyes widened. She kept her eyes on the ground not daring to look at the people she once considered family. The one's who should have been there for her. The one'es she once loved. Once shared memories with. One's who betrayed her and hurt her more than her family ever did. Her heart pounded and throat went dry. Tears sprung to her eyes as she desperately tried to blink them away. 'This can't be happening. Please. Please god.' she begged in her mind. 

"Why?" He began. He walked over and lifted her chin with his finger. Haru gave a dead stare to the man she once called sensei. The one who taught her. Once he realized she wasn't going to answer he continued. "Why did you leave and join them?" He asked. 

'Wait. This must be Haru, the one Naruto wants to-' she thought with a saddened look. 

*Tsunade's flash back*

I was organizing papers waiting for Naruto and them to come back from saving Gaara. I had heard they saved the current Kazekage and was waiting for an official report. The door flung open causing me to look up from my desk filled with paperwork. 

"Naruto," I whispered. 

"We saved the Kazekage," Sakura said disheartened. I raised my eyebrow waiting for them to explain the looks on their faces. Neji, Lee, Tenten and Guy walked in also looking the same. 

"What happened?"I asked. 

"Haru," Sakura whispered. "We saw Haru." 

Haru is the one that they mistreated and ran away from the leaf. No one has heard or seen her in years I'm pretty sure.

"DAMNIT!" Naruto yelled punching the wall. "We'll get her back to matter what! I had the chance! WE HAD THE CHANCE!" I look down feeling sorry for the bunch. It was obvious they cared about her.Just like they cared for Sasuke. I watch Kakashi glance at Naruto then back to his hands. Then his eyes met with mine filled with resolve. What was he about to say?

"She's a part of the Akatsuki. The group that's after Naruto," he reported. My eyes widen, I imagine Shizune's did too. Naruto stayed in the corner shaking fist on wall. Poor guy looked like he was going to cry. 

"Wait, doesn't that make her-" Shizune started. 

"An enemy of the world." I ended.

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