Watership down oc's 5

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(in the 2018 version summary) Sunrise is a creamy blonde and white colored doe with brown eyes. She is medium size doe slim and with some fluff here and there. She is very kind loving funny and caring but she can be a smarty butt and sassy. She in a small group of rouge rabbits who have been friends with her sense like forever. She is the mate to Crow and sister in law to Akari the groups leader. She was very close with her friends like they were her family. Sunrise was very happy with her life but then came the humans, they destroyed their small home field. She was scared about Akari's idea to go and search for a new home, after traveling for a couple days or more they came across a shadowy foggy field. Akari thought to go search around in this field to possibly find a new field where they can live but Sunrise didn't like this idea. When they where hopping around they came across big rabbits who wanted to capture them for their warren, they were called the Efrafa Owsla. Akari told them to run and make sure they don't get captured by them Crow told Sunrise to follow him. luckily she and her mate got to safety, and the fond the rest of there group but they realized that Akari was no where to be seen. Sunrise was so sad to lose her leader her friend her sister in law. Crow took over as leader and said that they have to keep moving or else the rabbit will find them again. As they walk more the came across a small field next to a human town or city, they rested and lived there for days but they were captured by the Efranfan rabbits. She was saddened by all the bad treatment for her and the does, her mate became a member of the Owsla but she knew he was trying to help her and the does escape. One day the Efranfans took in two rabbits and one was Akari, Sunrise was so happy to see her friend alive. With the help of Akari's friends she and the other does escaped. After the moving to the down and that fight with the Efrafan rabbits her life got happier, she and Crow had a litter of three.

what Sunrise looks like in the tv series 1999

what Sunrise looks like in the tv series 1999

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Here is what she looks like in the film 1978

Here is what she looks like in the film 1978

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the rabbit picture that was used for inspiration for her looks

(what she looks like in the mini series)

(what she looks like in the mini series)

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in the mini series she is voiced by Emeli Sande

in the tv series she is voiced by Sherry Lynn

in the film 1978 she is voiced by Sherry Lynn

Here is what she looks like in my style of drawing

Here is what she looks like in my style of drawing

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