all dogs go to heaven oc 1

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Camellia Rose Fluffen is an husky and samoyed mix, her coat is a beautiful pure white with some pretty black husky like markings on her body. She also has some small black spots on her face. Her eyes are a pretty light blue. She's bisexual but is kind of more attracted to females. 

She's good girl but watch out she can bite. She mostly has a motherly vibe to her when around kids she's usually kind, caring and loyal, but can get pretty protective, snappy and all bark and bite. In the first movie fanfic i might do she is actually Anne Marie's real dog she's been with her for a while to where they have a mother older sister to daughter younger sister relationship. In the end of the first fanfic movie she doesn't die and she lives with Anne Marie and Itchy in their new home. Now Camelia would have died for Anne Marie in the second movie fanfic and so she ends up in heaven soon along with Itchy and Charlie. She gets dragged into Charlie and Itchy's new adventure and she's not in the mood. In the second movie she ends up having two twin pups with some dead bet Doberman, her daughter the younger twin is named Crimson and her son the older twin is named Matt. She ended up dyeing though she left her pups at Anne Marie's house when she went to get something she usually goes out its a time to gather some new toys for the pups and such. But she died and went to heaven along side Itchy but once she got back and got a collar along side Itchy and Charlie from Red she went straight for her pups and soon met back up with Charlie and Itchy. 

Voice claim

Voice- Meg Ryan

Singing Voice- annapantsu and Meg Ryan

Singing Voice- annapantsu and Meg Ryan

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