3below oc

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This is another Voltarians oc for 3below. Barak is actually my other 3below Voltartian oc Elektra's lost brother. Barak is a green skinned Voltarian and lime green eyes with greens and whiteish lighting. He lost her when they were young, while Elektra was found and then raised by the royal Akiridion family he was found by two other Voltartians and was raised to be a fighter. He was so sad and angary when his plant was destroyed. Yolanda is his Voltartian mate she's light green skinned and yellow eyes with blue armor and blue/white lighting. He and his mate Yolanda were made into bounty hunters so when they heard about the royal Akiridion family bounty they were in action. They had no luck at first but they followed Gwendolyn to earth and they were laying low while searching for the royal family. But when they found them Barak was in for a surprise he also found Elektra his lost sister.

 But when they found them Barak was in for a surprise he also found Elektra his lost sister

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