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"Hi Zara. Long time." A voice said a I screamed. I couldn't believe who I was seeing, it was still like a dream.

"Kay Kay?" I whispered after finding my voice.

"We need to talk." She paused, as if scanning me with her eyes, she smiled. "Cute outfit."

"Th..thank you." I stuttered, sitting down on my bed and looking at the person that used to be one of my best friends, who I thought was dead. She has a hoodie on, I couldn't really see her facial expressions. Even if I could, I won't be able to tell what she was thinking. Kay Kay was like a complicated puzzle, that couldn't be solved.

She sighed, dropping her hoodie and sitting up straight. The florescent lights did justice to her dark skin, Kay Kay was the real definition of ebony. Her long braids were in a huge bun and her favorite lip gloss was on her lip. Her long eyelashes fluttered as she took in breaths, I could smell her maple scented perfume from where I sat. We stared at ourselves, for what felt like eternity.

"I know you are confused and all. I can explain everything but I don't have the time and I need to see the others." Her voice was as smooth as ever. If I didn't know Kay Kay, I would think she was acting perfectly normal. I watched her as she played with her finger nails, she only did that when she was nervous.

I rolled my eyes and stood up, putting my hands on my waist and staring at her. "Where have you been? How did you even get in?" I frowned at her.

"Your mom let me in, we had a long chat and I urgently need to talk to you and the girls. It's a matter of life and death."

I scoffed and smiled,typical Kay Kay, always acting mysterious and speaking in parables.

"Kay Kay, I'm really tired and trust me, I don't even know how you're sitting in front of me." My heart was still beating like I ran a marathon race.

She sighed and stood up. "Can I hug you, please?" She offered and I nodded. She held each other, for a long time.

When we pulled apart, I saw a lot of emotions. Kay Kay wasn't one to act soft or scared but I knew that what ever she had been through, must have had a huge effect on her.

"I think you should change out of your clothes. I'll text the girls as soon as I'm done bathing. Your favorite nightie is still in my closet." She nodded and I walked towards.

"Zara." Kay Kay's voice stopped me and I turned to look at her, raising one of my eyebrows. "I missed you,so much." I smiled at her and walked into my bathroom.

As the water drops fell down my body, I kept thinking about all the times every one thought Kay Kay was dead and how the whole school felt. Kay Kay and I weren't really close but we got along. She was closer to Zikora, they kind of had a thing but none of us talked about it.

After having my bath, I walked into my closet and put on a night wear and put my hair in my bonnet.

I walked into room and Kay Kay was already fast asleep. I turned off the lights, took my phone and sent a text to the girls,telling them it was an emergency and passed out as soon as I got comfortable in my duvet.

The scent of pancakes and syrup filled my nostrils. I groaned and opened my eyes, to see Kay Kay standing in front of me with a tray. I sat up straight and looked at her. She looked better than she looked when I first saw her. She was putting on a sweat shirt and joggers from my closet.

"Rise and shine Zee Zee." I groaned at the horrible nickname and she smiled.

"Thank you." I said, as she placed the tray on my laps. I stared at what she made, some stacks of pancakes,a cup of milkshake, a bowl of fruits. She sat down on my chair and stared at me as I ate. "You're staring,Kay Kay. It's creepy." I stated,taking a bite of the heavenly scented pancakes. They tasted really good.

She chuckled and brought out her phone from her pocket. Almost immediately, mine rang. I picked it up from my bed stand and looked at the caller ID, Ziora was the one calling and I guessed they were at my house already. I was still in my pajamas, I dropped the tray and picked the call.

"Hey,Zara. Zikora and I are outside your house, please come and open your door. My perfume is already evaporating and I don't like it." I laughed at her last sentence and cut the call. I got down from my bed, wore my flip flops and left my room.

I opened the door and saw the twins engrossed in their gossip. Zikora looked like she wanted to bite Ziora's face off. They walked in majestically and ignored me completely. I rolled my eyes and followed closely behind them, they were in for a huge surprise.

They opened my room door and Ziora nearly screamed, I closed her mouth with my hand before she could even proceed. Zikora,on the other hand was staring at Kay Kay blankly. She looked like she wanted to cry, but she couldn't.

"You're alive?" Ziora finally choked out, as soon as she could talk. I shut my door behind us and walked to my bed,to continue my meal. I wanted to enjoy the entertainment.

"How the fuck are you here? I saw you on the floor, Kay Kay. Is this a trick? Has Derin started doing human robots now? I know that one is tech crazy but she won't do something like this right?" Ziora pinched Kay Kay and she winced.

"Ouch. That was painful. Can you calm down please? We have a lot to talk about and there are a lot of things you guys need to know." Kay Kay said, nursing the place Ziora had brutally pinched.

Zikora kept staring at Kay Kay and Kay Kay stared at her too. The tension between them was so much, I could feel literal sparks fly out. Ziora left them and sat down close to me, taking one of the fruits from my bowl. Kay Kay tried hugging Zikora but Zikora walked away and sat down on the other side of my bed. Kay Kay heaved a sigh and sat down on the chair.

"I'm sorry for everything you guys have been through, it was never my intention. I'll explain everything in full details as soon as Derin gets here."

"I'm here." Derin waltzed into my room and paused when she saw Kay Kay. "Hello, Kanwulia." She said, adjusting her glasses. "You look good."

I stared at them, Derin was the only one who didn't act surprised. "Aderinsola, how come you aren't shocked or something."

"Remember that time you got the calm waters note, I had a feeling Kay Kay was still alive. I decided to go to calm waters and I sent a signal to Kay Kay and she responded. We talked for a while but she wanted you guys to hear everything from her directly." Derin said, sitting down and crossing her legs. Zikora scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"So Kay Kay, why are you reaching out to us now? Why didn't you just stay dead?" Ziora asked, taking another fruit from my bowl and I glared at her. She blew me a kiss and threw it into her mouth.

"I had to leave for a reason. I wasn't safe anymore and the death thing was the only way to keep him off my trails." She shivered.

"Keep him?" I asked, adjusting my sitting position.

"Yes, someone wanted to destroy my family so bad. He asked me to do terrible things, which I did but I couldn't take it anymore. I had to hide and figure out who the bastard was. When he started threatening you guys too, I knew it wouldn't stop." She paused and stared at Zikora,who was playing with her phone. She acted like she wasn't interested in what Kay Kay was saying but we all knew it was the opposite.

"You keep saying he. Do you know who he is?" She shook her head and sighed.

"All I know is that he is someone really close to you guys. I have a lead but I don't want to jump on it. I just want you guys to be careful and keep your eyes open. This guy is a freaking psycho and he won't waste time to destroy you. Especially you, Zara. Just don't trust anyone and no one should know that I came here today."

"I do have a plan though and only you guys can help me with that. You're the only ones I trust." She stared at us and we looked at ourselves.

"What do you have?"

Hey guys, happy new year. I know it's been long since I updated and I want to say thank you to those that reached out to me, to check up on me. I really appreciate, I'll try to update more often. Don't forget to vote, comment and share. Thank you so much.

Can You Keep A Secret [Book 2]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें