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I tried calling Derin but her number wasn't going, she wasn't even online, I left her a lot of messages.

The sleep suddenly left my eyes, I put on the light in my room and stayed in a sitting position. I tried calling the twins to see if anyone would pick up. Zikora picked up after two trials.

"Hey, Zara. Did you get the text from Derin? Ziora is really freaking out. We actually need to meet ASAP." Zikora said, almost in a rush.

"Calm down, Kora. I really don't know what what to do, I tried calling her but she isn't picking up."

"I'm about to sneak out of the house to go to Derin's." Zikora said.

"You can't leave me here oh, I'm going with you!" I heard Ziora say in the background.

"We both can't leave the house now, you have to stay here to cover up for me. What if mummy comes into our room and finds out we aren't at home, she'll freak out." Zikora replied her sister and I could imagine her facial expression.

"Fine! But Zara has to go with you, you can't go there alone, what if something bad happened to Derin!" Ziora nearly screamed, I stood up from my bed and walked towards my closet. They were still arguing while I looked for something to wear.

"Zikora, meet me at the park close to your house, I'm coming with Luka to pick you up." I didn't wait for her to respond before I cut the call.

I put on a black joggers and black shirt, packing my hair into a pony tail and left my room. I opened the door of my parents room very slowly and tip toed inside, I couldn't see clearly in the dark but I knew my way around their room.

I was walking towards the place where they usually keep their car keys, I mistakenly hit something and I could swear it wasn't there before. I waited for a while to be sure that my parents hadn't woken up from sleep, when I didn't hear anything, I continued my mission, trying to use my hands to guide myself.

I finally touched the table and I picked the first bunch of keys that I could lay my hands on. I hurriedly left the room and shut the door quietly behind me. I knew Luka would be awake, he was a night crawler.

I got to his room and started knocking on his door quietly, he opened up for me after the third time.

"Otito stop disturbing me." I stood there looking at him as his mouth went into an "o" shape. "Sorry, I thought it was Otito, she hasn't allowed me to rest since she came back from school and why are you dressed like you're going on a secret mission?" He said, eyeing my outfit.

"That's because I am!" I replied, stretching out my hands to give him the car key.

"What's going on Zara?"

"Can I tell you while you drive? It's really urgent, please let's just go."

"Wait, let me put on my slippers." He wore his slippers and we both left the house almost immediately.

We got to the garage and he pressed the unlock button on the key, to know which car key I gave him. When we found the car, he entered and he began to revise. I went to open the gate, I didn't want our security guard to implicate us later.

I got into the car after closing the gate and he drove towards our estate gate.

"Do you mind telling me where we are going to?"

"Can we go to Zikora's house first? I want to pick her up."

"Zara what the hell is going on?" Luka asked,almost screaming at me.

"Okay, fine! I got a text from Derin, saying someone was in her house. I tried calling her since then but she wasn't picking up. Zikora also got the same text and we're scared that something must have happened to her." I said, almost running out of breath.

"Wow, we need to get there fast then." The rest of the car ride was in silence.

We picked Zikora up about ten minutes later and headed towards Derin's house.

When we got there, the lights were out, it looked like no one was home. I got down from the car and hurried towards the gate.

"Zara, wait." I halted and turned to look at Luka. He stretched out his pocket knife towards me and hugged me. "Be safe." I nodded and Zikora and I walked quietly into the compound.

The front door was locked, so we went through the back door. The back door was slightly open which made Zikora and I share a look. Zikora and I put on the flashlight of our phones while we walked slowly into the dining area.

"Where do you think she is?" Zikora whispered, I could feel her breath on my neck.

"Let's go to her room first then we can check out her parents room." We were walking towars the staircase when my eyes caught something. It was a puppy, and it was wet.

"Is that?"

"A puppy? Yes, it's a puppy." Zikora replied me. I sighed and went towards it, the puppy was kind of scared and it hid it's tail. I picked it up and held it close to me.

"She's wet, maybe this was what was making noise. Let's go find Derin."

We got to Derin's room in no time, her door was locked. Zikora began to knock on the door.

"Derin, it's Zikora, please open up. I don't think anyone is in your house, we just found a puppy." Zikora screamed, while she knocked on the door.

We heard shuffling from inside the room. Derin came out about a minute later, her eyes were red.

"I was so scared, I thought someone was in my house. How did you guys get here so fast?"

"Luka drove us here, we were really worried, you weren't replying our texts or returning our calls." I said, walking into her room. I dropped the puppy on the floor and she went to the rug and rolled over it.

"So a puppy was what scared me?" Derin laughed. "She's so cute. Wait, let me put on the light." She left the room and put on the light from her corridor. "I had to quickly turn it off because I was scared."

"We found your back door open, why didn't you lock it?" Zikora asked, which her hands on her waist.

"I thought I locked it. Please can I spend the night in your place? I don't think I can stay in this house all by myself." She asked, looking at me.

"Yes, you can. Just pick your stuff, let's go. I'm sure Luka is tired, he came back today. My mom was even talking about us seeing a therapist and with what happened today, I think we all need it."

"You're right, our mindsets are fucked up. I just need to relax and be taken care of." We all chuckled at Zikora's last statement.

I picked the puppy on our way out and Derin made sure all the doors in her house were locked before we left the compound.

We got into the car and Luka drove off. We dropped Zikora at her house, Ziora was waiting outside for her sister to come back. She came outside almost immediately, to hug her sister. We waved at her and drove home.

When we got home, I took the car keys back to my parents room and guess what? I hit my leg again the second time. It was even more painful!

I got to my room and decided to have a bath. After bathing, I changed back into my night wear and Derin did the same thing.

She slept almost immediately her head hit her pillow. I was just happy, knowing she was safe. I soon shut my eyes and slept.

"What is a puppy doing in your room Zara? Who even gave you a puppy?" Good morning mummy.

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