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Hey guys, here's another update. Sorry for the delay, I had already typed this chapter but I was too lazy to upload it. Hope you guys enjoy it!

I was preparing to go to the twins' house for a sleepover, Derin told them what the note meant and they both felt Kay Kay wasn't alive. I still didn't understand what the person was trying to prove with the note.

I packed an overnight bag, making sure that everything I needed was in it and then I left my room for Luka's. I knocked on his door for like a minute and then I heard a shuffling sound and some mumbling.

He came out of his room, shirtless, with his hair scattered, his eyes were red like he just woke up from sleep, he groaned immediately he saw me.

"No." He said, going back into his room.

I dropped my bag and followed him inside. "Please now, mummy said you should take me to Zikora's place." I whined, sitting on his scattered bed, he eyed me as he got into his bathroom.

"Fine, give me twenty minutes, I want to freshen up." I nodded and left his room, closing the door behind me.

I took my bag to the parlor and began to select something to watch. I was still looking for something when Otito came into the parlor, in a three-quarter shorts and white polo.

"Where are you going to?" I asked, accessing her dressing. Most times, Otito acted like a tomboy and other times, she acted girly. I didn't understand her sometimes.

"I'm going to the park, some of my friends are coming too. Mummy is going to drop me." I hummed and continued my search. "Are you going to the twins' house?" She asked, sitting down beside me, with her legs on the chair while she watched me.

"Stop doing that thing, it's creepy and yes, I'm going to stay with the twins. I'm going there to relax."

"We both know there's nothing like relaxing on your calendar. You're going there to try to figure out who is threatening you guys, just tell mummy or I'll tell her myself." Otito stated, pouting.

"Tell mummy what?" Luka chimed in, looking at us suspiciously. Otito shrugged, standing up from the chair and leaving both Luka and I in the parlor.

"Don't mind her, can we go now please?"

"Whatever." He mumbled, helping me carry my bag as we both went to the garage. He dropped my bag in the back seat and we both got into the car. As soon as he got in, he started horning for our gate keeper to open the gate.

"Has it started again?"

"Huh? What is that?" I asked, biting my nails and trying to avoid his eyes.

"Zara don't play dumb with me, I'm not mummy. I notice your late night calls and your urgent meetings with the girls. If something is going on, I think you should tell mummy."

I sighed and looked down at my fingers. "I can't tell her, I'm scared of something happening to her or you guys. She'll probably ship me off to Canada and who knows if it'll stop after that?"

He shrugged, by now, we were at Zikora's estate. Her estate was bigger than ours, it was one of the biggest in Asaba. They had an estate park, gym, studio and all the houses were literally the same. A lot of people in our school lived in the same estate with them and they had parties a lot at their house, especially when Kay Kay was alive.

"You never can tell, I just feel you should let her know. No one likes the emotional stress you guys are going through and I really think you should consider the therapist thing." I nodded, we were already in front of the twins'house. I got down from the car, took my bag from the back seat and bade him goodbye.

I had already texted the twins when we were at the estate gate. Ziora was standing outside, waiting for me. 

I took my bag into the house with Ziora walking behind me. Derin was already in the room, she was sitting beside Zikora who was lost in whatever Derin was showing her on her laptop.

"Hey guys." I muttered, dropping my bag in the closet. Their closet was twice the size of mine, the twins both had separate sides but most times, they both mix their things up.

"You're finally here, guess what?" Derin smirked,dropping her laptop on the bed.

"What's that?" I'm not good at guessing, when someone says I should guess, my brain just becomes blank.

"Fine! I was able to finally trace the person threatening us, but I still can't place where the person is exactly but he or she is at Hallelujah Estate." She bragged, giggling and clapping her hands.

"Are you serious? That's so cool. That's the estate before William's. Who do we know that stays in that estate?" I asked, sitting beside Derin while we all looked at ourselves.

I hardly talked to anyone at school, so I didn't even know where anyone's house was. I only knew where my friends stayed and that was it. But the twins on the other hand, knew every single person and where they lived, especially Ziora.

"I know a few people, Becca stays there, this Kay Kay waana be, Kayla. Wait, let me write them down." She paused, bringing out a book and pen from her drawer. She sat on the chair connected to her reading table and began to write. Zikora stood up from the bed and contributed while Derin kept on doing what she knows how to do best.

I picked up my phone, opened my candy crush app and started playing from where I stopped. After a while, Ziora gave Derin and I the list. Only very few names looked familiar to me, there were just six names on the list.

"Who's this Kayla?" I mumbled, still looking at the list.

"Don't you remember malt bottle?" Ziora began and I looked at Derin who returned the look and we shook our heads. Ziora groaned and continued. "That girl that became slim overnight! The one that Kay Kay used to taunt."

"Ohh! I remember her, she's dark right and is always on low cut." Ziora hummed and sighed in relief.

"But I don't think she's capable of something like this though, she doesn't look too smart." Derin answered, giving me the book to hold.

"You're right, she doesn't look like she could pull this off. She doesn't even do well in school." Ziora mumbled, in thoughts and I looked at her while she continued talking to herself.

"How do you know what her grades look like?" I asked.

"Duh! I know everyone's grades at school." She snickered, sitting back on her chair. I rolled my eyes and continued looking at the list.

"Who's this Chidinma?"

"He's a very quiet person, he once had a crush on Kay Kay,he wears big nerdy glasses." Ziora demonstrated. "But really, Zara who do you know at school?" I shrugged and dropped the book on the bed.

"I'm hungry, can we get something to eat?" Derin asked and we all left the room for the kitchen.

The twins'mom was not yet back from her trip, so they were alone with their dad who was always in his study. You can only see him when he wants to be seen.

Zikora dished out each of us food, their cook made Banga and Starch. That was one of my favorite meals but my mom hated making it because of the pounding stress and I was too lazy to pound the Banga.

We all ate in the kitchen, gisting and laughing while Ziora told us about the other people on the list. None of them sounded like they could do something like that but we weren't going to write them off without being sure. After our meal, we all washed our plates and went back to the twins'room.

My phone rang immediately I got into the room, I rushed towards it and saw my mom on the caller ID, I picked up the call and what she said immediately threw me off balance.

"Zara, Otito is missing. Nobody has seen her."

Please guys don't forget to vote, comment and share. I'll really love to see what you guys think.

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