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Happy New Month Guys!!! Here's another update.

"Zara, Otito is missing. Nobody has seen her." I could hear the panic in her voice.

"Mummy, what do you mean she's missing?" I could feel the tears building up in my eyes. I was almost losing my balance but I felt a hand holding my waist. I turned to see Zikora holding me and a look of worry was on her face.

My mom sniffed. "Her friends said she went to get all of them ice cream and then they couldn't find her anymore." My mom broke down and started sobbing, I could hear Luka's voice at the background.

"Mummy, I'm coming now." I stated, cutting the call and turning to look at the girls.

Ziora badged into the room with a car key in her hand.

"Zara, let's go. I asked my dad for permission." She said and I nodded. My eyes were already very red, I used my hand to clean the tears that were dropping on my cheeks.

Ziora was a very good driver, she maneuvered her way through their estate and the main road. We got to my house about ten minutes later, I kept on biting my finger nails while my heart beat fast.

The car didn't fully come to a stop when I opened the door and ran out, opening our gate and going into the main house. My mom was on the chair in the parlor with Luka comforting her. I guess she already told my dad about it and he was on his way back from his trip.

She stood up when she saw me enter the house and hugged me. I hugged her back and she cried on my shoulders, I could feel the girls standing at the door. I knew they were confused about what was going on.

"Zara, I think you need to let mummy know." I eyed Luka as my mom stopped hugging me.

"Tell me what?" She asked and I sighed.

"Mummy, I think you should sit down for this." I said, turning to look at the girls who all stared at us like we were acting a Nigerian movie.

My mom sat down close to Luka and I sat down on the chair beside theirs. The twins sat down beside each other while Derin sat down beside me.

I cleared my throat, refusing to look up and then played with my fingers.

"It has started again."

My mom adjusted on her chair and asked. "What do you mean by it has started again?"

"The threats mummy, it started again and we don't even know where they're coming from."

"What do you mean by that? Chukwuzaramekpere! Are you a small child? Why didn't you say something? Only God knows what that psycho is doing to my daughter." My mom yelled, standing up from the chair and facing me.

"Mummy, we don't know who the person is. We tried finding out but we weren't making progress. We feel it's a new person pulling the strings this time around." My mom eyed me and walked out of the parlor. Luka immediately followed her to her room.

I sighed, running my hands over my face. My mom hardly got angry but when she did, the whole house felt it and the only person that knew how to put her in a good mood was my dad.

My dad came in about a minute after my mom left the parlor. I got up and hugged him, his expensive Jimmy Choo perfume filled my nostrils. My dad always said smelling good was good business, he was very huge and dark skinned. Luka and I took his complexion while I took my mom's height. Luka and Otito were as tall as my dad who was about 6ft.

Can You Keep A Secret [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now